CH. 52.

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"C'mon we gotta get away from the door." You quickly blurted out, grabbing onto her to help her walk since you noticed she was starting to limp more and more, assuming her leg got cut up pretty bad.

You finally dragged the both of you to the sidewalk where a group of people that were inside was starting to pile.

At this point you were just sitting on the edge of the sidewalk waiting for someone like the police or ambulance to show up. Sasha was practically having a meltdown in your grasp and you didn't blame her for it since you felt awfully distressed and nauseous yourself.

One of your hands was holding her shoulder and rubbing it soothingly as you could in the moment as your other hand shot up to clasp over your mouth, trying your best to not puke, feeling like your whole stomach was doing backflips.

She endured some pretty bad injuries that were starting to stain your own clothes but honestly.. that was the least of your worries at the moment. You heard someone walk up behind you and nudge your back with the front of their shoe. You turned around, not expecting to see Liu standing behind you.

He motioned for you to come with him but you quickly shook your head in a silent protest as you yourself motioned to Sasha, she hadn't noticed him yet but you couldn't find it in you to leave her alone in this situation.

You saw him let out an agitated sigh before walking away, strange.. he usually pestered you until you snapped back and insulted his bloodline or something.

You finally felt yourself really start to process the situation as your eyes grew slightly glassy and your vision blurred. "Do you think the others are okay? What if- oh god what if they didn't make it?!" You heard Sasha say from beside you as you instinctively squeezed her closer.

"Hey- No. Don't talk like that, I'm sure they'll be fine, yeah, they're okay." You spoke, hoping your delusion was true. It took around 20 more minutes for any emergency services to arrive since reporters that caught word of what happened were blocking the road. Fortunately for you no reporter directly came up to you to ask questions and prod at the two of you.

By the time someone from the medical side came up to you and assessed your injuries Sasha was nearly asleep next to you, they woke her up momentarily to temporarily treat her injuries and lead her to an ambulance so she could get professionally checked over by a doctor. You promised her you'll visit the next thing in the morning before she left.

Someone also checked you over, noting you had no physical harm and confirming the blood on you wasn't from your own injuries.

At this point you were exhausted, barely even processing any feeling in your limbs you pulled out your phone, immediately calling your mom.

She picked up only after a few rings and the second you heard her soft voice say 'hello' you broke down into sobs, managing to briefly explain the situation you were in.

While she didn't fully get what you were saying she understood the important details, telling you she'll come pick you up and that she'll be over in 10 minutes. Relief washed over you the second you saw her car turn the corner, getting up and dragging your aching body to move.

She quickly parked at the side and ran out of her car to embrace you tightly as a series of sobs left your quivering lips. At this point you just wanted to shrivel up and disappear from the surface of the earth. Why do bad things always happen around you?

Your mom helped you into the passenger seat of the car, you vaguely heard her ask if I just wanted to spend the night at their house instead but you shook your head, claiming you wanted some alone time and making another promise that you'll contact them again in the morning to check in with them.

She seemed to understand, finally pulling out of the parking space and driving off in the direction of your house. You were out of it at that point, your tears just didn't seem to want to stop falling down your face, blood was smudged all over you and all you wanted right now was a hot shower and the comfort and safety of your bed.

As your mom stopped in front of your house she gave you a reassuring look, telling you to just wash up and rest till tomorrow. You nodded your head in agreement as you climbed out of the car feeling yourself shake more with every step.

"Bye mom." You say with another small sob before you enter your house, closing and locking the door behind you.

You dragged yourself across the hallway, your arms tightly wrapped around yourself in a small one person hug.

"Hey- Oh shit. What happened?!" You heard in front of you as you raised your head to see a very concerned Jeff who seemed to have just left the living room when he heard you enter.

At this point you had no more energy, simply breaking down and slumping against him, your entire body just falling apart. "Jesus christ.. are you okay, are you hurt?" He slightly pulled away, taking your arms and examining them, letting out a relieved sigh when he realized the blood wasn't exactly yours.

"m' Fine" You managed to blurt out through your thick globs of tears that just continued to fall and fall. "I'm so tired." You continued, leaning into him further.


do any of you guys like the Transformers: More than meets the eye comic? I adore Rung and Rodimus bro 

Im just thinking of new ways to inflict trauma here in this fic while my Laughing jack x male!reader is full of fluff and cute scenes.

Im just thinking of new ways to inflict trauma here in this fic while my Laughing jack x male!reader is full of fluff and cute scenes

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