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Nothing was there, you were just being paranoid again. Like usual you drag yourself to your closet, carefully opening it, it was also empty. Thank fuck. A small crumpled paper was taped to one of your shirts that was hanging on the clothing hanger. That's odd. It wasn't there before. You carefully rip it off and close the closet, reading what it said.

" I told you not to go to the police.

Now I won't be able to see you anymore, love.

Your actions will have consequences. y/n. <3 "

A chill ran down your spine, right.. He told you to stay quiet about it. Well shit now youre deffenetly royally fucked. You turn on your desk's night light and turn off your room's main lights. They looked better. You lay down, contemplating what you'll do now. I mean the police are surveilling your house but the dude is really swift. God knows maybe he'll even manage to sneak past the officers. You stood back up, flopping youreself into your deskchair instead and decided to scroll through netflix to find some random movies or shows to watch.

Hours passed and your eyes grew heavy. Your chair felt a thousand times more comfortable than usual. You just decided to stay and fall asleep there. Shutting your eyes faint snores were soon heard leaving your lips. Your body limp in the chair as a pair of eyes stalked your figure. A person slid in through your still open window, staring at you menacingly as they just leaned on the windowsill.

You slowly stirred awake, the feeling of being watched creeped into the back of your mind as you froze at the memory you forgot to close your window. "I can literally feel you staring at me you nasty creepy bitch" You muttered, as you turned on your desk lamp and sharply spun around in your chair to face the window. The figure was still, the two of you sat there in silence for a few minutes. "Have your parents never taught you a very important lesson y/n?" He muttered. Aw fuck it was HIM.

"Well they taught me to be a decent fucking human being thats for sure.." You whisper, hoping to god he didn't hear you. A chuckle was heard as he spoke up. "Snitches get stitches, dear" That was one of the last things you heard before he lunged at you and a sharp pain was spread all over your body. Your vision blurred from the tears that were starting to gather up in your eyes. The pain only lasted a few seconds before you felt yourself give in and collapse.

Faint laughing and screaming were heard before you were completely passed out, soon jolting awake and finding yourself in a hospital. The machine next to you was beeping, letting you know your heart was still beating and that you were in fact alive. 'What a shame the loser couldn't end me off there and then' You thought to yourself in an attempt to lighten your spirit.

You sat in the room for a good 10 minutes before an older nurse came in. "Oh! Sir y/n, we didn't expect you to wake up so soon, then again your injuries were treated quite soon after they were made." She said in a lively tone, writing down a couple things in her binder she was holding. "Well, is there any complications, do you feel okay? Can you remember what happened??" She asked, sitting down on the small chair that was beside your bed. "Well it all happened fairly quickly so i don't recall much info but i do remember what i was doing before." You said, replaying your memories again and again.

"Well situations like these where theres a survivor at the scene it must be very hard and traumatic for you, if you wish we have some private counseling you can take for a few weeks, even months if requested or needed" She continued to explain all of their programs while also letting you know your parent would be here soon. "Well, I must check on a few other patients now, we'll see eachother soon" She smiled at you kindly before exiting the room. Silence swallowed your entire surroundings, you felt so alone again. As gently as possible you raise your hand under the shirt the hospital provided you with, feeling around your injuries. Weird.. there was none on your stomach or chest. Continuing you slide your fingertips over the bandages on your neck.


"The dude slit my throat and still didn't kill me, what am I? A god? But.. than again how the fuck can i speak" You wonder, perhaps it was just some very strong pain killers the hospitals usually have. You dismissed it quickly and continued to slide your hands around, finding no other injuries anywhere else. "Oh well, maybe he intended to let me live.. was it a warning?" You continued wondering until your hospital room door was slammed open as you saw your dad and mom who was carrying (y/s) in her arms. They were both wearing a horrified and worried expression as they bombarded you with hugs and questions.

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