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You kept passing out every once in a while after finally taking your painkillers. Hours passed fairly quickly, you were lying in bed, contemplating if it was worth surviving if it meant that you'll be in constant pain and probably be paranoid as fuck now. A sigh left your body as you practically deflated like a balloon. You scanned the table desk thing next to your bed and noticed your phone. "Either im fucking bind or that was not there before" You muttered in a low tone, wincing at the odd sting at your throat.

"I took it from your room for you, it must be boring in this room all by yourself for hours on end." A voice cooed, the room was dim but you could make out a figure in the corner close to the door. You inhaled sharply in an attempt to scream.



Before you even let out at least the littlest of scream you bursted into violent coughing. "Now, don't overwork yourself. It's not safe to scream with a wound that bad" The person continued, cooing gently and walking over to you with.. a glass of water? Water. This dude was giving you water, okay..?

You took a peek at the man.

He looked different.

Way different. It wasn't the same one as before. He sensed your confusion, "What? Did you think I was the same guy that harmed you? Please, don't think so low of me" he continued dramatically, taking a seat at your bed edge.

Turning on the lamp on the table you finally can make out how he looks, brunette short hair, emerald green eyes and.. cuts... many of them littered his 'perfect' face. "It seems he took a liking to you, not everyone has the luck to survive him with just a simple slashed throat." his voice caught you off guard, wow, bro had some pretty ass eyes.

You snapped out of your trans, frowning at the person. He seemed to notice your discomfort so he backed off the bedside and faced his body fully to you, taking a slight bow he introduced himself.

"I am Liu, Liu Woods, your stalkers older brother and the boy who was supposed to have been murdered not far away from your job"


Your face was blistered with schock, what the fuck man. So many questions rang through your head 'Man why do i have to have a slit throat'

"Even though i'm just as bad as my brother-" he paused, walking closer and leaning into your personal space. "I have no plan of harming you. yet. You see, Jeff apparently has this odd fascination with you. I'd like to use that to get back at him for what he's done to our family." Liu's tone was cold when talking about his said 'brother'. 

"Oy— Wait pause. YOU." You loudly exclaimed as you paused, erupting in violent coughs again as you pointed at him as you continued. "Want me, ME?! To go along with YOU plan just because YOU have an issue with YOUR brother" You kept pointing between the two of you as he was in deep thought over what you said.

"He attempted to kill you, do you not care at all?!" He attempted to pressure you, "Don't care, don't ask." Shrugging you flip over on your side and leanin over the bed to try and tame your coughing. "You're not gonna get anywhere with that tongue." He hissed, giving you a glare.

"Mate I just survived with a slashed throat and I'm alive, breathing and speaking without major complication. I think I can get anywhere with this" You continued pointing out, still having to clear your throat out every once in a while.

"My family is dead because of him!" He got cut off, "Slayed, literally" There was a long pause.


"What?" You ask with innocence like you didn't just insult his parents' rotting corpses. "God every time I make that joke my ancestors roll in their graves, now go run off somewhere, i'm tired" You flip back over, getting in a cozy sleeping position and pretending to fall asleep.

You heard him grumble a couple incoherent words before footsteps were heard leaving through your room door. 'Why did I think bro emerged from the window like the other creep?' You thought before shrugging off all your life problems and falling asleep. 

Jeff the killer x male!readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin