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The rest of the day was slow, after your shower you got yourself a change of clothes and headed downstairs for a small meal but failed to find anything appealing. "Love? You look pale, did something happen?.." Your mom's voice made you jump as you swooped around to face her. ", some PTSD, y'know.. I'm just a bit paranoid from- whatever happened." You spoke back in a hushed tone, taking a deep breath to compose yourself.

"If you need to we can sign you up for therapy-"

"No!- I mean- no I'm fine for now." You cut her off, smiling awkwardly as you shuffle back around and getting a glass of water. "Oh, Okay then. I just got (y/s) enrolled into the kindergarten nearby so i'll be going to work alrea tomorrow, do you think you'll be fine on your own?" She asked as she was walking out of the room.

"Yeah I'll live i guess" You chuckled, trying to cut through the thick tension that was lingering in the room. "Okay, Don't forget to take your medication (Y/N)" Your mother laughed back as she exited the kitchen. You take one of the pills your doctor prescribed and down the glass and lay down on the semi comfortable couch with your (f/d=Favorite drink, personally i'm a monster enjoyer😨) and a bag of snacks.

"Let's see what shit shows they have on here." You mutter, scrolling through the TV channels until a random documentary caught your attention. Even if you were literally traumatized as shit murder documentaries still brought you a lot of comfort. Leaning back you open the bag of snacks, listening to the story the man was talking about.

The Narrator's voices are always kinda attractive..

Your phone rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Hello?" You answer.

"Hello, This is (Y/N) correct? It's me, your boss" An old lady said through the phone with a soft giggle. "Hi ma'am! What do you need?" You smile to yourself, her voice was so soothing. "I'm just calling to check up on you since I managed to catch a 5 minute break, how's the wound?" She asked. "It's healing pretty fast so i'll probably be back on my shift by next friday. How have all of you been?"

Your conversation with your boss continued for some time, minutes turning into hours. You felt like you've known her all your life, she felt so familliar. As the two of you spoke, the crime documentary still playing in the background, you were oblivious to a pair of eyes watching you from not so far away.

Finally the call ended after a whole 5 hours of chatter. A long sigh escaped your mouth as your face planted into the small soft pillows the couch had. Just as you were about to nod off to the peaceful land of dreams your phone practically got nuked with spam messages.

Ratatouille: YO Y/N!!!

Ratatouille: Guess who's coming over to see you this summer

Ratatouille: Dont guess. ITS ME.

Y/N: What? Wait ur fr?



Y/N: I can't wait bro omg 😍

Ratatouille: Better make room in that bed babygirl, daddy's comming home.


Ratatouille: YOU HEARD ME

Y/N: I'm just gonna leave you to read and pretend this never happened and it was all a dream.

Ratatouille: Speaking of leaving I gtg, mother dearest is mad.

Y/N: M'kay, see ya later

Turning your phone off you felt a smile creep its way into a shit-eating grin. You haven't heard from Remmy in a while, he was a physiology major so he had to stay behind in (c/n) to complete his studies but he did promise to come over and move jobs somewhere near here soon enough. The two of you have been best pals since middle school, causing chaos practically everywhere you went. There was not a single person that hadn't experienced the wrath of the two teenage boys.


to the people that read this book in full before, is Rem giving you flashbacks *wink wink*

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