CH. 23

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"If you dont shut the fuck up this whole house is gonna drop dead." He almost looked panicked when he said that as he crouched down again and moved to sit under the windowsill so no one.. or nothing.... could see inside. "What is going on, you're acting like an even bigger freak than before." Just then you heard it, a scratch of a creature, it was high pitched and ear piercing. You noticed Jeff leaning to look through the window and drop back down for cover within the next second.

"Okay, I closed the window. It shouldn't be able to see or hear us." All of the tension in his body seemingly faded as he practically went limp in the sitting position he was in. Your voice was still shaky and you couldn't muster up anything, you felt like your brain completely got rid of your ability of speech. It seemed like Jeff noticed your confusion and demand for answers because he started explaining everything.

"Alright I swear I meant none of this to happen. I was just uh.. Y'know looking for another victim when that thing saw me and chased me." He let out a nervous chuckle as the movement caused some drips of blood from his cuts to spill. He quickly wiped them on his already bloodied white hoodie while continuing.

"That was the Rake. It kinda just runs around and kills everything that moves and its feral as shit. I just ended up around your house so I hid here." He showed you another half assed grin before doing a nervous thumbs up.

You found it so interesting for a mass murderer to be nervous so openly with a previous victim.

Tense silence filled the room, you noticed he was avoiding eye contact and his breathing was fast and shallow. It didn't necessarily make you feel anything for him, who cares maybe he's just winded from running from that..thing.

"I think it's gone, you can leave now." You said, standing up to go pick up your new furry friend. A sharp gasp was heard from behind as you quickly spun around, curious to see what it was about.. He was clutching his side, his fingers seemingly digging into his hoodie.

"No- No no please don't make me leave!" His voice was panicked, cracking every once in a while as he scrambled to his feet, leaning on the windowsill for support. You couldn't hear him well but he was muttering incoherent sentences as he grabbed onto your upper arm.

You were confused, turning your body to the side to cover your cat just in case, always keeping eye contact with Jeff. His eyes seemed even wider than usual but it didnt even take a second for them to close and his knees buckled, his body practically getting dragged to the floor.

It took you a few seconds to process and you didn't have enough time to catch him. You heard footsteps coming up the stairs, scurrying to the door and locked it. Someone wiggled the knob and knocker right after. "Y/N? Open up, we need to talk." Mavi's voice was heard.

"We need to talk ble bleble ble go fuck yourself" You mocked her, replying with a stern tone. "Just because you were a victim doesn't mean you get to treat others like shit." You heard her annoying voice.

"Just because you're my best friend's mom doesn't mean I'll give you respect. Now go back to bed and pretend like your husband hasn't had like 50 affairs." The last sentence shut her up as you heard her footsteps descend back downstairs, thank the gods.. that woman was an asshole since day 1 of your and Rem's friendship.

"Go to bed kitty" You gently dropped the cat onto your bed as you looked back at Jeff, seemingly unconscious on your floor. You rolled him over, noticing his hand was still clutching his side.

You quickly got the hint that the dude wasn't just here for shelter. He knew that you wouldn't report him to the police again because he threatened your family, and he knew you wouldn't just leave him to die. He was right, you wouldn't, even though he was annoying, has a bitch older brother, nearly killed you you practically had to play along. From past articles you came to the conclusion this man just does not die, his body is just running on pure spite and bloodlust.

"Fuck.. Fine, I guess I could earn a favor out of this." You grabbed his wrists and dragged him to the bathroom in your room. Thank the lords you chose this one or you would've had to rush to the bathroom and back without waking anyone.

"Okay okay, you got this." You peptalked yourself as you started a bath of warm water while opening your phone and googling how to treat open wounds. The water would be enough to keep the wound from infection and you had a lot of rubbing alcohol and bandages from your own injury. 

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now