CH. 35

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Sunshine was shining in your face, brutally assaulting your eyes when you opened them.

Jeff was nowhere to be seen and you were practically rolled up in all of the comforting and warm blankets.

A noise was made from the bathroom as Jeff came back into the living room, seemingly not noticing you were awake.

He flopped back down into the original position you were both in previously and groaned in satisfaction.

Just now it hit you how romantic that actually looked. You hated the dude a month ago.. what changed? Had it been that you now knew him by name? That you were friends?

A discomforting pang in your stomach made you realize you didn't exactly feel normally towards him. Did you want to be more than friends?..

The thought of actually having a healthy relationship with him made you feel warm. So warm that you finally decided to move to try and get rid of the hot blankets.

"Morning." He yawned as he turned over, letting his hand leave your side and rest under his head instead.

"G'morning." You spoke, your voice hoarse and laced with sleep. Your throat still hurt and you desperately looked around for the water bottle you had left here last night.

"Sleep well?" He sighed, finally deciding to sit up and stare you down.

"Kind of, I don't really know. I just fell asleep and woke up, I didn't even have a dream." You shrug after chugging the whole bottle and plop it onto the coffee table.

"honestly i slept like a fucking baby." He grinned, stretching himself over your lap to grab the cup that was sitting on the table.

You hummed, still tired. He happily sipped on whatever was in the cup, clearly enjoying the moment, it felt so domestic.. normal even.

You finally pushed away your ego and leaned your head onto his shoulders. "I missed you a lot...." Your barely understandable mutter caused him to grin.

"I thought you hated my guts? What happened to the sarcastic bitch of a man I had to deal with?" He chuckled as his hand snaked behind you and rubbed your shoulder, leaning his face onto your to get insanely close.

"First of all- back off. And second I just got used to your company, you don't annoy me as much anymore." You pressed a hand onto his chest to make a distance between you, your face visibly flustered.

"Mhmmm because I really believe that." He teased further, aggressively ruffling your hair before letting you go and getting off the couch.

You adjusted your position on the couch to look around the room. It felt so calm. Relaxing.

The morning sun was shining through the windows, your cat (who still didn't have a name) was nested beside your leg. The setting was straight out of a movie.

"What ya still tired?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You hadn't realized you switched your attention from your surroundings to Jeff while thinking about how nice it felt here.

"I guess a bit." You yawn again, finally deciding to get up and start your day.

"Do you have work today?" You heard him say as he left the room to walk towards the kitchen. "Its Saturday dumbass, only psychos wanna work on these days." You roll your eyes, following him out.

"Fun fact, my mom used to work sundays." He said, the cuts stretching as he smiled at the fond memory.

"Goddamn, she must've been a dedicated worker, couldn't be me man." You say, making your way to the fridge to get some breakfast.

"Did you already eat? You seem like you've been awake for a while." You ask, not taking a second to look at him while still rummaging through the fridge.

"Yeah I made scrambled eggs with salami." He said, sitting on the counter. "Damn, didn't know you could cook. Okay Gordon Ramsay." You tease, hearing his chuckle behind you.

"You don't think I can cook?" He grins when you finally turn around and close the fridge. "Quite frankly, no." You answer with a shit eating smile and shrug.

"Okay okay, fine, I'll make lunch today then." He challenged, crossing his arms and jumping off the counter. "I'll supervise you, I'm like 50% certain you'd poison me somehow. " You mock him further as you accept the offer.

"Me? Poison the only person I truly care about? How rude! I'd never!" He said dramatically.

"Okay calm down drama kid." You laugh at his silliness, wiping a fake tear from your eye.

"So it's a deal then?" He asks.


Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now