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You woke up at around 6:47 am, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep again. The feeling that you were being watched grew the more you tried getting rid of it. Turning on your LED lights that you previously set up before actually passing out was better since you felt too lazy to get up and turn on the actual light. "C'mon maaaan, it's my first night in a new house and i'm already having a bad morning, fuck this shit. god doesn't exist '' You grumble, rolling yourself too far you accidentally fell off the bed.

"Every time I insult god something happens, you'd think i've learned my lesson by now but nahh" You talk to yourself, struggling to get but due to the way your lower body was tangled in the blanket you were laying on.

Footsteps were heard walking through the halls, it was your dad. You knew that by the weight and pattern of his steps, you liked to memorize someone's walking pattern so you could easily identify them from afar. It's honestly a really useful skill. As you finally get up from your previous position on the floor your dad enters your room, looking at you strangely "Whatcha doing up lil dude?" He chuckled.

You smiled, "Oh well, I couldn't sleep. Also did mom tell you to—" He cut you off. "Buy security cameras and new locks, yeah. Do you mind doing that instead since I'll probably be pretty busy today." He pleaded. "Sure i don't mind, it's a good chance to also check out some destinations i wanted to see."

He thanked you, leaving the room and heading off to his interview. You look over to your sticky notes that you taped to the wall and notice a few were lying on the floor. A gentle breeze entered the room as you realize you never opened the window AND made sure the sticky notes were secure on the wall and would not fall off just because of a little wind.

"Oh for fucks sake, hell naw, NAHHH." You panic to yourself, closing the window and turning back to start picking up your fallen sticky notes. "What the fuck is there a ghost in this house? my man, my dude, if you're haunting me just dont kill me, i enjoy breathing air thank you very much"

Odd silence filled the room as you taped your sticky notes back to the wall. "Mom? Are you staying home today?" You yelled as you heard more footsteps going past your room. "Yep I am! Come downstairs, I'll make us some breakfast." You heard your mother yell back as her voice faded down the hall.

Finishing up with your sticky notes you dress rather casually and head downstairs. "Morning momma" You grumble, smiling and sitting down at the table. "Awww I haven't heard you call me that in years!" she squealed in happiness, placing the plate of food in front of you.

"I can't believe I grew up so damn fast." you sigh, scarfing down the food like you haven't eaten in years. "I think (y/s) just woke up, do you mind getting her and bringing her downstairs while I wash your dishes?" I nod, getting up and walking upstairs to their room.

"Morning love~" You coo softly, opening the door and walking over to her crib she was sitting in already.

"Jesus christ you drooled all over yourself you little stinker." You snort, picking up a small paper towel that was in the room and wiped their face while picking them up. You cradle them for a second, gently bouncing them up and down in your arms as you look out the window to see an odd person standing outside on the street. Staring directly at you.

"Yooo, holy shit..Bitch.. do you see that!?" You talk to your baby sibling, knowing they don't understand shit you're saying. The figure was pretty far, all you could make out is that they were wearing a white hoodie and black.. jeans I guess?? They raised a hand and waved, running away down the street soon after and disappearing as they turned the corner.

"Damn bitch, calm your nuts we might have a stalker." You continued to talk to no one and make your way downstairs, deciding to not stress your mom about what just happened. "There's my baby!" Your mom cooed, seeing your sibling wide awake in your arms. She took (y/s) out of your arms and walked away to feed them. 

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now