CH. 46.

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"I.. No I don't wanna ignore it, honestly I also got really attached and I don't want it to be awkward between us anymore." You finally fessed up, feeling your hands become rather sweaty, why were you so nervous?

Another awkward silence fell over the room, you soon got tired of it, deciding to come clean before life tries fucking you over again.

"Godamn.. I guess I'm not only really attached, I love you alright? I really do, I enjoy the little things between us so much and I don't want them to disappear." You quickly rambled, ending it with a deep sigh of air you hadn't realized you were holding in.

In the process of your rambling you had looked away, your eyes tracing over practically every detail of the room just so you could avoid Jeff's eyes.

"I- uh I love you too. Sorry, I'm not used to all of this— um lovey dovey stuff" *He motioned with his hands also seemingly looking everywhere but at you.

"It's fine, I don't mind." You slightly chuckled, a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders now that all of your feelings were properly confessed.

"Alright let's put this aside for a bit, are you hungry? Cause I'm starving." You continued talking soon after, trying to avoid letting silence fill the room again.

"Yeah. What're you planning on making?" He asked, slightly leaning onto the counter.

"Not sure, maybe eggs and bacon but that feels a bit too basic.. I kinda wanna make waffles or pancakes but im really not in the mood to prepare the batter AND bake them" You groan, turning around to walk to the fridge and start rummaging through your options.

(I had to check if waffles are cooked or baked 😭)

"I can make waffles for you, it could be as an apology for running off and making you worry i guess" He offers, following it up with a lighthearted chuckle.

"You are literally god, thank you." You let out a dramatic sigh of relief as you turn back to grin at him. "The waffle maker is over there in that cupboard at the side, take it out would ya? I'll get you the ingredients while i'm here" You pointed off to the side before turning back to search for the needed items.

You could hear the cupboard opening and closing behind you but after he took out the waffle maker it feel awfully quiet.

You jumped in surprise when something wrapped itself around you and pulled you into a hug.

"I really love you a lot, I'm sorry i cant express it like other people.." You heard Jeff mutter against your shoulder as you craned your head back to look at him, sadly only managing to catch a glimpse of his raven black hair.

"Its alright, like i said.. I don't mind." You reassured, your hand grazing the rough skin of his. 


The gay happened guys

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now