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"Damn bitch, calm your nuts we might have a stalker." You continued to talk to no one and make your way downstairs, deciding to not stress your mom about what just happened. "There's my baby!" Your mom cooed, seeing your sibling wide awake in your arms. She took (y/s) out of your arms and walked away to feed them.

Smiling at them you make your way back upstairs and change into something else. "If I'm going out I wanna look hot as hell in case I see another attractive person. Ya boy gotta look smexy." You flatter yourself as you get dressed again, walking downstairs you put on your shoes and tell your mom you're leaving. "Be safe love, don't get lost!" She said as you chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll manage."

Walking out of the house you put in your airpods and listen to your (f/s). The feeling of being watched came back, making your palms sweat as you fiddled with your shirt. You sigh, the heat from the sun literally boiling you alive as you try cooling off by tugging on your shirt's collar. "Shit.. it's so hot, I should've worn something lighter" You mutter to yourself in a quiet hushed tone. Remembering there was a really interesting shop close to the hospital you were always passing.

Deciding you want to check it out you open google maps and try to figure out a way there. You tried your best to keep an eye on the sidewalk as you walked so you wouldn't bump into anyone. Unfortunately exactly that happened. Smacking into a person you let go of your phone accidentally dropping it as you feel an arm holding you. "I'm sorry!" You apologize turning to the person who was leaning in a weird position, somehow holding you while also holding your phone that seemed to be mid fall.

"It's fine, be more careful next time" The person said in a husky low tone. You step back as they hand you your phone back and you take that small moment to get a closer look. You freeze as you realize it was the same person you saw in front of your house this morning. You could make out more details now, it was obviously a male by his posture and tone of voice but what caught your attention was his rather soft but messy looking black hair.

"Uhmm do you maybe know where (store name) is?" You ask, trying to keep a normal tone of voice that you were previously using to not make him suspicious. "Oh, yes. Yes I do, It's just down the street to the left" He said as you nodded, thanking him and continued walking down the street. 'Damn I have to admit.. his voice is mad smooth' You think to yourself, slightly biting your lower lip in an over exaggerated fuckboy lipbite expression.

Mentally cursing yourself over how cringe you just were, IN PUBLIC. 'That wasn't really slay of me.' You jokingly think to yourself while you happily skipped down the block to the store. Momentarily stopping you check your pockets in case you forgot your money. Patting yourself down and checking all your pockets, sighing in relief as you feel the small wallet in one of your pockets.

"Woah I felt like my life flashed before my eyes" You continue making your way down the sidewalk when a sudden realization makes you stop, again. You really gotta stop having these main character moments queenie pop. "My fuckin' earpods are missing" You say as you search your pockets again, realising they must've fell out when you crashed into the hot dude. Right on cue you felt someone behind you and as you spun around you saw the one and only stalker man.

His hand was stopped mid motion looking like he was going to tap you on the back to try and catch your attention. "You dropped these" He spoke in a hushed tone and handed you your earpods, they were a bit dirty but it's nothing you couldn't clean up with a Q-tip and baby oil. "Oh, thank you, I was just about to turn back to get them." You awkwardly chuckle and take them from his hand. He looked like he was nervous due to his slight trembling and the shy neck scratch he did.

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now