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"Hey, how're you holding up?" You popped back into the room with some water and painkillers.

"As best as you can feel with a possibly fatal wound." He says with a bored tone, releasing a small breathy giggle after and looking your way.

"Here, I brought you some pills and water, take them and I can stitch you up after." You say already prepping the needle.

"The fuck are the ribbons for? Gonna wrap me up like a Christmas gift?" He lets out another giggle before taking the pill and washing it down with the water.

"I couldn't find the bandages, they should last you until morning. I'll go buy fresh ones tomorrow." You shrug, feeling his gaze as you struggle to get the string through the needle's hole.

"Gimme that." He leans over, snatching the string along with the needle and doing it for you. "There, not that hard now is it?" You didn't know his iconic grin could get any wider but you swore on your mom it did.

"Yeah yeah, now let me fix your stitches." You sigh, taking back the not prepared needle. He leaned back on the couch with a grunt, holding the wounded skin together so you could sow it up easier.

A few mess ups and curses later you successfully stitched the wound back up. "I recommend taking a shower and then wrapping the wound up. Be careful with it." You sigh, dropping onto the floor and looking at the small droplets of blood that now stained your fingertips.

"Alright, ill be down soon." He grunted, holding into the new stitches as he got up and made his way to the bathroom. You were absolutely exhausted, it was getting late and lucky you didnt work saturday shifts.

Dropping back onto the couch you're immediately lulled back to sleep by the warmth of the mess of blankets you created. But a weird feeling across your back woke you up, it didn't feel threatening but almost soft, gentle even.

You cracked your head back slightly to see a familiar face. There was a voice in the back of your head telling you this was wrong, you shouldn't feel so giddy about Jeff being so close to you but the second voice sounded more comfortable.

You flipped your head back to how it originally was and shrugged off the whole weirdness of the situation. Any person would have been dead right now, it really showed how far your relationship developed over this past month. 

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now