CH. 60.

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The afternoon was peaceful, calm even. Sasha and you caught up on what was new and you almost accidentally slipped up and told her about Jeff. Luckily you were able to come up with an excuse and divert the topic to something else.

"Who was the weird man by the way?" She suddenly asked, causing you to quirk an eyebrow and give her a confused look.

"What man?" You questioned immediately. "Some brunette with a striped scarf and green eyes. He was there when uh.. this happened." She said, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back onto the pillow that was propped up behind her.

"Oh- um I don't know" You chuckled nervously and averted your gaze somewhere else, that was your first mistake. "You're lying Y/N, who's the dude?" She sighed, rolling her eyes at your piss poor attempts to lie.

"Oh just an old friend, we had a pretty bad falling out so.." You trailed off, hearing her sigh you turned your gaze back in her direction. "Man, why do you have so many friends with horrible endings? I swear I wouldn't be shocked if I saw you on the news one day. 'Local man had been murdered!' " She mocked sarcastically, throwing her hands in the air as she spoke.

"Real funny." You giggled along, bumping her shoulder lightly, still being mindful of her injuries. Silence filled the room as the two of you felt no need to fill it, yet a thought popped into your head. "What about the others?.." You hesitantly muttered, glancing up at Sasha with an unsure expression.

"Oh there okay, I saw them in the morning before they moved us to different rooms. They had worse injuries but apparently they are stable." She reassured you, calming your worries as you let out a cluster of mutters ranging from 'thank god' and 'holy fuck'.

She only laughed at you as you practically deflated in your chair from the relief that left your body. "At least they're fine, god I was a mess last night thinking they didn't make it." You said as you rubbed your face.

"Oh by the way, your phone's ringing, who's Jeff?" She said, side eyeing you a little with her iconic smug smirk as you glanced at your phone. You hadn't even realized you were placed on the edge of the bet let alone notice it was ringing. You excused yourself and picked up the call. "Hello? Whats up?"

The line was quiet for a second before a grossly familiar voice was heard, making your stomach churn. "Come back home, I wanna talk to you." He said before the line went dead. Liu, that fucking bastard.

"Sasha- I'm sorry, I gotta go. It's an emergency, I'll visit again when I can, promise!" You said as you scrambled to get up and rushed out of the room, taking a few seconds to tell her a proper goodbye before practically bolting it down the hallway and out of the hospital.

Your breathing was fast, the cold air of the incoming winter making your throat and lungs burn as you pushed through the crowds of people on the sidewalk, throwing in an occasional apology if you pushed someone too roughly. The panic of what happened while you were gone was the one thing keeping your legs from giving out under you as your pace slightly slowed down, your body physically being unable to run like that anymore.

This resulted in you speed walking, your breathing still irregular as you started to process the numb feeling in your mouth. You were hyper aware of everything feeling in your body. The way your shoes hurriedly thumped against the sidewalk, the way the fabric of your clothes rubbed against you, the way your mind couldn't comprehend the situation anymore, causing it to turn into a staticy mess.

Finally your expression slightly brightened when your eyes spotted your home from far away, hope suddenly filling every pore in your body as you pushed forward into a jog, even though your legs hurt like hell and your lungs burned for a break, against all odds you kept going.

Finally you reached the front door, leaning against it for a second to catch a deep breath of air before reaching for the doorknob. The door creaked as you pushed into the house, it was eerily quiet which suddenly made you very uncomfortable. Usually Jeff would already be in the hallway, coming to ask you how your day was and then follow you around like a stray puppy as you walked around the house.

Against your better lack of judgment you walked further into the house, glancing into the living room first, yet you saw nothing. Not yet at least.

You decided to check the kitchen next, feeling your heartbeat suddenly pick up in pace as you walked in the direction of the room. Your heart was pounding and your ears were ringing as you walked in, not seeing anyone you let out a relieved sigh. Big mistake.

As you let your guard down something came at you from behind, slamming you down against the kitchen floor. Your instincts kicked in as you began to struggle and fight back but your attempts were in vain as your attacker was much stronger, managing to restrain you, just then you managed to get a better look at them.

"Liu what the fuck are you doing?!" You yelled, still struggling against his grip. He turned you around, making you lay on your back before a hand clamped around your throat. "I'm doing what I should've done months ago. My brother took everything from me so I'll kill the one thing he cares about, then he'll know how it felt! Oh right, he won't even know, he'll think you survived, he'll think I spared you." He rambled on, the hand around your neck suffocating you.

Your eyes hazed as your body squirmed, begging to take a breather of air as your hands came to wrap around Liu's wrist, nails digging into his skin in hopes he'd let go. "Oh you poor thing, you don't even know what I did to him, do you?" He laughed at your piss poor attempts to get you off him.

Your body started to give up, the strong grip on Liu's hand weakening by the second. "I killed him. He's gone. Dead!" He yelled in your face as he began manically laughing. Your face paled, eyes becoming too tired to keep open. You begged that this was some cruel joke, that this was a nightmare and that you'll wake up the next morning. Yet that relief never came as your body gradually stopped moving.

You felt yourself slip away as suddenly everything felt numb. Why? You didn't even do anything. You were the only normal person, why were you getting punished? What about your family, your baby sibling that'll never get to meet their brother, your older sibling that will never be able to introduce you to their child.

Your parent's that'll never see their son again.

Why did it have to end this way? But then again, after everything's over and at the end of the day..

This was just a story, wasn't it? 


Im not sorry

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now