CH. 39.

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I wanted this chapter to have a kiss scene but y'know what, ill let you suffer and wait till the next monday.

Love u all xoxo


Honestly you had to push away your stubbornness and pride to admit, Jeff was not a bad cook and it shocked you.

He was also very good at comforting, which is a trait you wouldn't expect a ruthless mass murderer to have but allas you've been both improving and building your bond.

While you finally quit your current job and managed to get another one that could let you work from home you were also doing your best to adjust to the chance of not having Rem around.

When you had moved he would sometimes spam call your phone until you picked up and talked to him, it was a small pocket of the day you enjoyed and excitedly waited for.

Safe to say the grief was still going strong and you constantly had to step away from whatever you were doing to lay down for a crying session.

You weren't alone though, even though Jeff is absolute shit with his words he knows how to comfort someone with his actions, always holding your hand and sitting beside you on the floor or wherever you decided you wanted to sob your feelings out at.

He understood the feeling of grief you were going through, he also finally opened up, admitting to murdering his family himself and talking about how much he regretted it down the line. But of course you already knew, telling him about the situation with Liu and how he would constantly bother you, which led to another conversation.

"Would you ever do it?" He asked, scratching at the back of his neck. You were sitting on the floor, it has been a good 30 minutes since you calmed down and just started chatting with one another.

"Do what?" You asked with confusion at what he was referencing slightly shifting your head up to get a better look at his seemingly gloomy face.

"Would you ever just.. I'dunno.. get rid of me?.." He muttered, a very faint crack was heard in his voice as your eyes widened, a shocked expression being painted over your face.

"Never, who would be my murderous friend then? I'd have no one!" You hit his side with your elbow in a teasing manner, noticing his cut in smile widen just a bit. That was your sign that you had said something good.

"No but I'm serious, I'd never, no matter what happens." Your hand brushed over his, gripping it tightly and reassuringly. He let out a huge puff of air, seemingly as if he was relieved at your statement, he turned himself to face you slightly as his head dropped onto your shoulder.

While you didn't expect it from him specifically it felt..nice, and understandably you raised your free hand that wasn't holding onto his to brush at his hair.

It wasn't anything special but you did find it a bit softer than originally anticipated. 

Jeff the killer x male!readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя