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Dorian walks past the police tape, stepping under it and approaching his boss who was still glaring down into the grave of the mayor.

"So it was true."the captain asks as Dorian ducks under the crime scene tape.

Dorian nods and looks down at the decaying body of the mayor.

"I guess I should call the family."Dorian says, turning away.

"Detective!"one of the medics says from the grave.

Dorian stops and turns back.

"The cause of death is a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head."he says.

"So Biersack didn't kill him?"the chief asks, looking at Dorian.

"Oh, he definitely killed him. How else would he know where the body was?"Dorian says.

"Well, the evidence says suicide."

"Trust me. It's Biersack."Dorian says before turning and walking towards his car.

He begins to dial Addison and then calls.

Straight to voicemail.

"Fuck. Really?"he huffs, trying to call again.

Voicemail again.

"God damn it."he huffs, jogging to his car.



I lay alone in Dorian's bed, clutching one of his pillows as I watch my phone ring.

I sigh, flipping my phone over and rolling into the covers.

My mind begins to wonder and I look up at the TV to distract myself.

But immediately my phone begins to buzz again. I roll my eyes and sit up, picking up the phone and checking the call.

Seeing my Grammys picture I answer.

"Hello?"I say.

"Doll, are you still coming over for dinner?"she asks as she's chewing.

"Maybe. Depends on when Dorian gets here. Hi Grammy."I say softly, laying back down.

"Oh, sorry doll. What's wrong, you seem upset."she says causing me to huff.

"Dorian isn't really good at keeping promises, Grammy."I say.

"Uhg, what man is?"She says, making me chuckle.

"How's Benny doing?"I ask.

"He's looking much better! Getting his confidence back."she says.

"That's good to hear."I say softly smiling.

"... you're blaming yourself again aren't you?"she says.

"I'm not blaming myself again. I already know it's my fault."I sigh.

Suddenly the bedroom door opens, and Dorian steps in.

"So I see your phone is working."he says.

"It's not your fault, Dede."Grammy says over the phone.

"Okay. Let me call you back, Grammy."I say.

I hang up before she could protest and sit up to face Dorian with his hands on his hips.

"Are you mad at me?"he asks.

"Yes."I say.

"Why?"he questions.

"You broke your promise. Again."I say.

"I can see how that would upset you Dede and I do apologize, but we did find your dad."he says.

I look down at my hands and then huff.

"Was it bad?"

Dorian shakes his head.

"No. Just a single gun shot to the head."

"So he didn't suffer."I say.

"Babe. Do you need a hug?"

My lips begin to quiver and he instantly walks over, cupping my cheeks and then pulling me in, hugging me.

"I thought he would suffer."I say, my voice shaking.

"He didn't. I promise."he says before kissing the top of my head.

"Thank God."I whimper.


Andy angrily storms into his cell. He immediately goes to his wall of Addison's pictures and begins immediately tearing them down.

"HIM?!"he shouts, ripping the pictures apart as he tears them down.

"HIM OVER ME?! FUCKING BITCH!"he screams before punching the wall, attacking one of the remaining drawings of her face.

He punches the wall repeatedly till his knuckles are bloody and then stops, taking a few deep breaths before stumbling back and taking a seat on the bottom bunk.

He begins trying to catch his breath and drops his head into his hands.


He immediately sits up, looking around as he heard Addison's familiar voice.

"Stop that. You're not here. You're with him."Andy says angrily as he stands.

"Of course I'm here, Andy."she chuckles.

Andy looks down at the torn apart drawings.

"Why did you rip me? Don't you love me?"

His bloody hands shake as he drops to his knees, beginning to quickly gather the pieces.

"Of course. Of course I love you. I-i thought you didn't love me.."he says.

"What?! Of course I do! You're my one and only true love Andy."

He chuckles and smiles at the reassurance he felt as she said that.

"But now you have to fight for me, Andy. You can't let Dorian win, can you?"

"No, no obviously not. I-i just need to get my medication and i-"

"Medication? You're not crazy, Andy. You don't need it."

"That's what I keep telling everyone!"he says, placing the torn pieces of paper on the small desk and beginning to reassemble them.

"I don't think you're crazy Andy. I think you're smart."

"..I am smart."Andy says, looking towards the cell door.

"Too smart for this fucking place."

"My thoughts exactly."


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