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I smile, snuggling against Dorian as we sat in bed, watching Martin.

"I love this house. I want to buy it from my dad."Dorian says quietly.

"He wouldn't just give it to you?"I question, looking up at him.

His face was motionless and cold as he thought of his father.

"...no. he wouldn't."

"You don't talk about your family much."I say.

He huffs and looks away.

"I know."he shrugs.

"Is it bad?"I question, sitting up.

"Pretty bad."he chuckles.

"I'm sorry baby."I say, sitting up more and kissing his cheek.

"It's fine, don't even worry about that. Feel like going for a swim?"he asks, sitting up.

"The sun is going down."I chuckle.

"Who said it had to be outside?"he smirks as he stands.

"Where are you going?"I chuckle as he walks over towards the bathroom door.

He opens it and goes in. I almost immediately hear the bathtub turn on and I smile, quickly getting out of bed and running after him.


Andy angrily storms into the house, startling Bea and Zane who were sitting on the couches.

"Andy!"Zane says, standing and quickly running to him, hugging him.

"Hey kiddo."Andy sighs, hugging him back.

"Did you get to see her?"Bea asks, still looking at the TV.

"No. I mean, kind of. But it doesn't matter. I want to send a message to that cop. Will you help me?"he questions them.

"Of course."Zane says, causing Andy to look over at Bea.

She takes a deep breath and then nods.

"Good. I need you to come with me."


Andy, Bea, and Zane stand outside of Dorians empty house.

"What's the plan here?"Bea asks, pulling a ski mask over her black hair.

"I want everything trashed. Anything that can point me towards where they are I need to see immediately."Andy says, unzipping his coat to reveal his new priest robes.

"I'll be in soon."he says before heading towards the neighbors house.



I sit up, taking my headphones out as I thought I heard a knock.

Just as I'm about to put them back on, I hear a knock at the front door again and I huff.

I get up, checking my watch.

I pick up the baseball bat behind my closet door before heading towards the living room quietly.

I approach the door and look out the peephole.

Instantly, I see an unfamiliar blonde head and I squint, trying to recognize him as his face was facing away from the peephole.

"Who is it!?"I call, causing him to slightly look back towards the door.

"Delivery."he says, holding up an Amazon package.

I sigh, looking down at the time on my watch.

"Just leave it at the door!"I say.

"You need to sign for it, ma'am."

I groan and begin unlocking the door, leaving the chain link in place.

I carefully pull the door open, not all the way and peer out.

"Let me sign."I say.

He turns around quickly and I gasp as he immediately kicks in the door.

I scream as I'm thrown back to the ground, my bat skitting away on the tile.

"To be honest. I thought you were smarter than that, Scottie."I hear him say before the door slams closed.

I recognize his voice and immediately attempt to crawl for the bat.

He kicks it away and grabs a fistful of my hair, causing me to scream as he pulls me to my feet and grips my throat.

Our eyes finally meet and he smirks as he sees me trembling.

"Hi Scottie."he says before his expression darkens.

"...where is she?"he asks as I struggle in his grip.

I grunt, trying to remove his hands from my throat to no avail.

"F-fuck you!"I spit at him.

"Scottie, you're a reasonable girl right? Don't you remember all that time we spent together?"he smirks, referring to my time at the church.

"LET ME GO-"I scream before his hands tighten around my throat, silencing me and closing his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll let you go when you tell me what I need to hear."Andy says, angry.


She struggles against his strength and attempts to pry his hands away, but fails.

"W-what you need to h-hear?"she strains.

"Yes. Now."he says angrily.

She takes a deep breath, looking at him in the eye.

"D-dede says Dorian f-fucks better than you."

Andy's expression darkens again and his eye begins to twitch as he slowly tightens his grip around her throat till she couldn't breathe.




I smile feeling Dorian gently massage conditioner into my scalp.

We sat together in the large bathtub.

"You're being extra nice today. What's the occasion?"I question.

"Can't I just do something nice for my girlfriend?"he questions, lathering the conditioner into the ends of my hair before gently pulling me back.

"Oh your doing something nice?"I chuckle as I lean back, allowing my hair to sink into the water.

He begins rinsing the product from my hair as he speaks.

"Yeah. I figured I've probably broken a few date night promises so I took a few days off. Make up for it."he says before kissing my lips a few times.

I chuckle and blush, kissing him back.

Suddenly his phone begins to ring.

He looks over to his pants on the ground as they ring.

"Isn't that Scotties ringtone?"I question, sitting up a bit.

"Yeah. She's probably calling to tell me about some stupid movie she watched or something."he says, pulling be back down and kissing my lips.

I chuckle into his kiss as he runs his fingers through my wet hair.

"You're not going to answer?"I ask against his lips.

"Mm-mm. Me and you time."he says before pecking my lips again.


The Priest: It is mine to avenge; I will repay.Where stories live. Discover now