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Andy slowly pulls himself up, and then eases himself back down from the bars in his cell.

"Do you have to do that?"

Andy looks down at his cellmate that was trying to sleep.

"Did you have to drive drunk and kill a single mother?"Andy questions before pulling himself back up.

His cellmate scoffs.

"You're such an asshole."he says.

"Am I an asshole or am I just honest?"Andy says before letting go of the bars and dropping down to the ground.

"You're an asshole because you're tormenting me with the cause of my guilt. You're trying to assert some sort of dominance over me for your own reasons. Perhaps you're feeling emasculated by another man in your life."

Andy turns around, glaring at the man who's back was to him.

"What the fuck are you on about?"Andy asks.

The man sighs.

"You're just a manipulative, cruel, insecure man Andrew. That's all."

Andy rolls his eyes.

"Who are you to tell me who I am? You're a murderer."Andy says.

"I'm also a psychology major. And from what I've heard, you're a psycho."

Andy lets out a quiet sigh of anger.

"I'm not a fucking psycho."Andy says, glancing at his wall of Addison's portraits by his bed before looking back to his cellmate.

"I'm smart."



Dorian enters the house, finding it dark.

"Dede? You here?"he calls, putting his keys in his pocket as he looks around.

He realizes it was so incredibly dark because someone had covered all the windows in the house.

He sighs, knowing it was Addison. He begins to climb the stairs and finds Ben sitting outside Addison's closed door.

"How's it going?"he asks.

Benny sighs as he holds up the box Addison had received, handing it to Dorian.

"What's this?"Dorian questions.

"Some sort of fucked up puzzle. The picture on top was Andy and her. They were kissing in front of the house, on fire."Benny says.

"That son of a bitch. Is she okay?"he asks.

Ben solemnly shakes his head.

"No dude. She's not okay."

Dorian sighs before gripping the knob and slowly opening the door. He steps inside, seeing the room incredibly dark. The only light was appearing from under the sheet, where Addison was on her phone.

"Dede?"he says, walking over and switching on the lamp by her bed.

She pulls the sheet from over her head, and Dorian instantly notices her red puffy eyes.

"What are you doing under there, baby?"he asks, taking his jacket off, along with his badge around his neck.

"You said you'd be back in an hour. It's been 3 hours."she says softly.

"I know Dede I'm sorry. I called but you didn't answer."he says, sitting in the bed with her.

"I was busy."she says, turning away from him.

"C'mon Dede, look."he says, lifting his shirt for her.

She glances back and then sighs as she scoots over a bit.

He chuckles, scooting into bed with her and allowing her to climb under his shirt.

She huffs, nuzzling against his chest as he begins gently rubbing her back.

"Why won't he just leave me alone. How delusional can someone get?"she asks.

"I've already put in two no contact orders. He just finds a way around them."Dorian says softly.

He hears her breathing change, and he looks down into his shirt to see her crying.

"I hate feeling like this. I hate being scared to open my windows, Dorian. What am I going to do?"she sobs softly.

"...I'm going to have him transferred to maximum security.."Dorian says.

Addison looks up at him, her eyes teary.

"You can do that?"she asks.

He nods.

"Once he's there he'll have absolutely no contact with the outside world. Not even visitors. I'm going to make it happen baby I promise."he says softly.

Her lips quivers and she sighs.

"I love you, Dorian."she says.

"I love you too, Dede."



Andy stands behind Gus as he lifts the barbell up.

"What are you so deep in thought about?"Gus asks.

Andy looks down at him.

"I want to kill that fucking cop. I want to kill him so badly."Andy says.

"Well, we got 3 days guy. Just turn that guard out and we'll be in."Gus grunts as he places the bar back on the rack.

"I'm trying. He's playing hard to get."Andy groans as they switch places.

"I thought you were the puppet master."Gus chuckles.

"This puppet seems to be controlling his own strings."


The Priest: It is mine to avenge; I will repay.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt