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A female guard walks down cellblock H, where Andy was in the 14th cell on the right side.

She swings her key ring as she walks the hall. She walks past the 14th cell, begining to whistle.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar sound of a meal slot opening and she jumps, turning around to see the meal slot of the 14th cell door hanging open.

Ominously, a tattooed hand clutching three 100 dollars bills slips out.

"..oh laaddyy guardd.."

She scoffs, walking over to the hand and taking the money, causing it to disappear back into the cell.

She checks to see if the money is counterfeit and realizes it is indeed real.

"What do you want?"she asks, pocketing the money.

"Extra meal time? 20 minutes?"

She huffs before gripping the walkie talkie talkie on her vest.

"Tony, a hundred bucks to cut the slop hall cameras for 15 minutes."she says.

The hand appears from the slot again, this time holding a crumpled 20 dollar bill.

The guard talks into her walkie talkie again.

"25 minutes."she says before taking the 20 as well.

She then pulls a pair of cuffs from her belt.

"Hands inmate."she demands.

Both hands come out of the slot, and she promptly cuffs them together.

Then she looks down the hall both ways and uses her keys to quickly unlock the door.

She sees Andy's tall, muscular figure in the dark and she smirks.

"Alright, move it."she says.

He steps out of his cell, looking back to his cell mate who was watching the whole altercation.

He smirks.

"See you soon."


They enter the meal hall, and Andy smirks as the guard seats him at the table.

"Don't move, I'll get your meal."she says.

"Yes ma'am."he says, leaning against the table as she walks away.

He looks around before feeling the underside of the table.

He instantly feels the sharp shiv Gus had left for him earlier in the day.

You see, Gustav was in close ties with a blade maker, his cellmate to be exact.

But gus' cellmate, Karter, knew of what Andy was incarcerated for.

Refused to help, as he was convinced Andy was crazy for trying to burn an innocent girl to death.

So, that's where Gus came into the picture.

Andy pulls the shiv from under the table, tucking it under his wrist as the female guard comes into the room.

She holds a tray of food and snacks and then places it on the table before him.

He drops the shiv between his legs, catching it and then raising his handcuffed wrists towards the guard as she walks over to him.

"No can do."she says, pointing to the red patch on his jumpsuit.

This signals that Andy was a violent offender.

"C'mon. I wouldn't hurt you, love."Andy says charmingly.

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