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I quickly run from the house and duck into the awaiting car.

I hear the driver get in after the door closes and I let out a shaking breath, pulling out my phone.

"We'll be there in roughly 45 minutes."Jack says.

"What? Dorian's is just down the street."I say, sitting up more.

"Yes, but your date is at his house."Jack responds.

"His house?"I say.

"Yes, his house. Not the apartment."


Dorian smiles, chuckling as he helps the old woman to sit down in her chair.

"Oh, you're such a sweet boy Damien."Lydia says.

"Dorian, and thank you Lydia. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"he asks, taking a seat next to her as she begins looking around.

"Have you seen my nephew?"she questions, still looking around.

"He's only a young man, I'm supposed to take care of him. I do hope he's okay."she says, scratching her head.

"No ma'am, I haven't seen him. I was hoping you could tell me w-"

Dorian was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Oh, excuse me for a minute."he says, pulling his phone out and walking a ways away.

"Yeah babe?"he answers quietly.

"What's this about you having a house? And why is this the first time I'm hearing of it?"Addison speaks causing Dorian to mentally roll his eyes.

"It's not my house baby its one of my parents vacation homes. I just happen to stay there more often than not. It's going to be okay Dede I promise you. You trust me right?"He says, glancing back towards Lydia.

"Yeah, of course."she says.

"Then go on, I'll be there shortly okay?"he says softly.


He hangs up the phone and then turns back to Lydia who had begin knitting.

"Do you know where Andy would go if he was scared, Lydia?"Dorian asks, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Who's Andy, dear?"she questions.

"Your nephew."Dorian sighs.

"Oohh! Right, right."she says putting her knuckles against her chin.

"Well he has friends. He tends to go be with his friends, I can't remember any of the names."she says, thinking.

"That's fine Lydia, its all I needed. Thank you for speaking with me today, you did a very good job."Dorian says with a charming smile.

"You're quite the well mannered young man, Damien."she says with a toothless grin.

Dorian sighs and chuckles.

"Thank you."


We pull up before a beautiful home that overlooked the beach.

"Wow."I say softly, still a bit nervous.

The driver exits and the walks around to open the door for me.

I quickly get out and jack stops me.

"I don't know what you're hiding from when you rush in and out of cars like that, but I doubt there's any of it out here, ma'am."he says with a smile.

I look around noticing that it was just sand and shrubs all around for miles, a couple of storm clouds rolling overhead in the sky.

"Oh."I say, standing up straight.

"Dorian should be here soon, I'm supposed to go pick up some things. Are you good here by yourself?"Jack questions, directing me up the stairs to the dock.

"Yes, I think I'll be fine."I say, walking up the stairs.


After locating the key under the rug, I enter the house.

Immediately I'm hit with the smell of Dorians familiar cologne. It was already comforting.

I take a walk around the large living room, noticing some family pictures and other things.

I find a TV remote and a set of keys laying on the table.

I pick up the remote and immediately turn on the TV as the noise would be comforting.

Once the TV is on I continue to look around, heading up the stairs to see if I could find a bedroom.

As I'm climbing the stairs, I hear the door open and I immediately turn around.

I see Dorian entering, his arms filled with brown paper bags.

I run down the stairs again as he sits the bags down, chuckling.

I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist as he laughs.

"Don't you ever do this again. Thr driver guy is weird."I say before hugging him tightly.

He laughs, hugging me back and kissing my cheeks.

"Alright, are you ready to have the best sleepover of your life?"he smiles, walking me towards the stairs as thunder booms outside.


Andy slowly approaches Addison's family home, squinting to keep the rain out of his eyes. He stays a distance away, his hood over his head.

He walks around, looking at Addison's window.

He notices that the rose wall that he previously used to climb into the room had been removed.

"Smart."he says quietly to himself before walking towards the gutters.

He pulls himself up, climbing the gutter quickly and then pulling himself over to Addison's window. He attempts to open it, but it's locked.

Strange. She never locked her windows before. He pushes against the window, and then pulls a small blade from his hoodie pocket.

He slips the knife under the window pane and swipes it to the left, unlocking the window.

Then he slowly and quietly opens the window. He slips inside, taking off his wet shoes before they hit the carpet.

He stands up and smiles, immediately recognizing the smell of her perfume.

"Oh angel. Look how much you've changed."he sighs, walking over to her dresser.

He examines her things till he stops, finding a Polaroid of her and Dorian together.

His eye begins to twitch as he picks up the photo.

"Fucking cop..."he says, pressing his thumb against Dorian's face on the picture.

"You do know he needs to die right?"

Andy jumps, turning around as he hears Addison's voice. He doesn't see her, and continues to look around.

"Don't you love me? Don't you want to be with me, baby?"she says.

He stops, seeing her picture on the wall and going to it.

"I do. And I am. "He says softly.

Her picture frowns.

"When? I miss you."

"Soon. I just have to find you that's all. When I find you everything is going to be like it was, I promise."he says softly.

"I love you Andy. Don't leave me. You know I love you, right?"

"You're the only person that loves me, Addison. I'll never leave you I promise. I promise. I love you so much."he says softly, his head dropping a bit.

"We'll be together soon, right?"

"Yes. Very, very soon."


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