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Andy quickly walks into the house, startling Bea and causing her to sit up.

"Andy what's wrong?"she asks, standing.

He only shakes his head as he quickly goes into the bathroom and grabs the trash can, dumping it out.

"Andy you're scaring me."Bea says as Andy finds a pill bottle in the garbage and quickly opens it.

"She tried to make me kill Lydia."Andy says before tossing two of the pills in his mouth.

"You threw away your pills?"She questions as Andy huffs, standing up.

"Addison's voice is sounding too much like the other ones."he says, walking into the kitchen.

"The other ones?"Bea says, following him.

He looks back at her.

"You're sounding pretty judgemental for a woman who rips people's ears off with her teeth."Andy says before going into the fridge.

"I-i wasn't being judgemental, y-you just act a little strange off your meds."she says, nervous.

"Strange? I could point out a few things that are strange about you too, Bea."he says, pulling out a beer.

"You don't have to be rude.."she says softly.

He looks back.

"Oh dear. I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?"he questions as he walks over to her.

"W-well-"Andy cuts her off.

"Sh sh sh, I apologize. You know how much I care for you, right?"he asks, stepping closer and causing her to look up at him.

"Y-yes. Of course."she says, her pale cheeks turning pink as he looks into her eyes.

"And you know you're important to me, right?"he asks, pressing his fingers under her chin.

"Mhm."she says, looking at his lips.

Andy smirks before holding his beer towards her.

"Open this for me."he demands.

Bea quickly takes the beer, using the palm of her hand to twist the cap off and then quickly handing it back to him.

"Good girl."he says with a smirk before turning away from her, bringing the beer bottle to his lips.

Bea follows him with her eyes, lusting.



I sit quietly at the dinner table with Dorian's mother and father.

I look over at Dorian, who hadn't looked up from his plate as he could feel his father's glaring.

"Um, this chicken is delicious Mrs. West."I say with a sweet smile.

"Thank you dear. The secret is in the brine."she responds.

"So what's this about needing plane tickets?"his father abruptly asks, causing Dorian to finally look up.

"I'll send you the money, I just need you to buy them."Dorian says nonchalantly.

"But why? Why are you leaving?"His father asks.

"..w-well- we've both been working very hard and Dorian thought we could use a vacation. "I smile as he looks down at his food.

"If you can afford a vacation you can afford to pay off my house."he huffs.

"Dean, there's no need to be rude. Don't you realize your son could've died?"his mother says.

"I wasn't even in the house."Dorian shrugs.

"But you were the only one in the house."

Suddenly his phone begins to ring and he huffs again, annoyed.

"It's my client. By the way, they're coming over for dinner tomorrow night."he says before standing and walking away to answer.

"Oh my god."I say quietly, looking over at Dorian.

He simply nods and then puts his fork down.

"H-he wasn't always like that, you know."Dorian's mother says.

"Mom, we don't really need to get into that."Dorian says.

I glance over at him, seeing his face pink as he looks down at his food.

"I'm sorry hun."she sighs

She then pulls out her phone and turns it on.

"I'll see about getting your flight for tomorrow, Dorian."she says.

"Thank you Mom."he says.


I look at Dorian as he washes his face.

"We're gonna get away, you know."I say softly.

He wipes his eyes and face before looking at me.

"I believe you. I was just hoping to go today. Every second we're here is another second he could get close."Dorian says before picking up a towel and drying his face.

"It's only a day."I say as he sits down next to me.

I moved to rub his shoulders as he speaks.

"I love that you're the optimistic one now."he says.

I chuckle and hug him, causing him to hug me back tightly.

"I love you babe."he says softly.


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