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Andy smiles as he enters the visitation room, seeing Bea and Zane.

Zane stands, running and hugging him. Bea excitedly does the same.

"Oh my god. Your buff now. Oh my god."Bea says, squeezing his biceps and shoulders.

"I've been busy. Now, how are my two trusted friends?"he smiles.

"Good! We set up in my old house, it was abandoned but you can come and stay there when you get out if you like!"Zane says excitedly, making Andy chuckle.

"I would love to. Here, I made this for you Bea."and says, pulling a small canvas from his pocket.

She grips it excitedly and squeals as she sees another portrait of Andy's ear.

"I love it!"she says, hugging it to her chest.

"I'm glad. Now, I'm wondering if you could help me with something."he says, taking a seat.

Zane and Bea sit as well, and Andy turns to the guard.

The guard nods and then steps out of the room, keeping the door slightly ajar.

"Do you have any information for me? Pictures? Addresses?"Andy asks quietly.

"Well, we've been trying for months Andy. She never leaves a window open. She only moves around at night. She Ubers everywhere or has that cop driving her around. Hell, she's rarely at her house anymore. This is the only good one we have."Zane says quietly, pulling a picture from his pocket.

He slides it across the table and Andy sees a partial picture of Addison from afar. But she was being blocked by Dorian.

"That fucking cop. Always getting in the way."Andy says angrily.

"She's getting smart. She's always been so smart...we just need to out smart her, I can do that."Andy says, sitting up and crossing his arms in thought.

"She's still going to school aye?"he asks.

"Yeah, online. I've heard she's doing quite well."Bea says, smiling down at the portrait of Andy's ear.

"Do you think you can get me a smartphone?"Andy says with a smile.

"Maybe."Zane says.

"Well, put it in the priority pile. Tell me, do you still have the mayor's gun?"he asks.

They both nod.

"Excellent. I hope you're up for a treasure hunt."



I moan, feeling Dorian grip my waist firmly as he thrusts upwards.

I groan, moving my hips into his thrusts as I run my hands over his chest.

He moans softly, his hands moving up to my breasts and groping them as he sits up, catching my lips in a steamy kiss.

I whimper softly and wrap my arms around him, kissing him passionately. The kiss breaks and he begins to kiss my neck, leaving soft hickeys and beginning to thrust faster.

I moan loudly, earning a chuckle from him as he kisses my neck.

I glance over at the window, noticing the curtains partially open.

Suddenly Dorian grips my face, pulling it back to him and kissing my lips.

"Focus on me."he says before kissing my lips again.

He kisses me passionately, sitting up and flipping us over and pulling my legs around his waist.

"Just focus on me baby."

He hikes one of my legs over his shoulder and begins thrusting slowly, deeply.

My head pulls back and I moan as his fingers interlock with mine, pinning my hands to the bed.

His pace quickens and he leans down, kissing me and moaning against my lips.

I smile, watching Dorian as he gets dressed.

"What are you smiling about?"he asks, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I shrug.

"I think I'm in love with you."

He chuckles, turning to face me as he pulls his pants up.

"Oh really? I think I'm in love with you too."he says, making my cheeks burn as I look down at my palms.

"Then I guess we're in love."I say softly as he walks over to me.

He presses his finger against my chin and pulls my face up to look at him.

"Very."he smiles before pecking my lips and picking up his shirt.

"It shouldn't take long, I'll be back in an hour, tops."he says, pulling his shirt on and then grabbing his gun and badge that laid on my dresser.

"Be safe."I say softly as he picks up his jacket.

"I promise."he says with a smile before leaving the room.

I lay back down, smiling as I felt butterflies for the first time in a while.


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