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Andy angrily storms to his cell, where he sees that all of his paper and pencils had been confiscated.

"FUCK!"he screams before punching the wall.

He takes a deep breath as he runs his fingers through his hair, his hands trembling.

He looks over to his small sink, noticing his medication placed in a small plastic cup next to some water.

He scoffs as he sits on the bottom bunk of his bed.

"I think I need a roommate."he says quietly, a sinister idea popping into his head.


Andy walks into the phone room, instantly picking up the phone and dialing a familiar number.

He waits a moment to let the prisons automated message to tell the caller who was calling, and then the phone answers.


The voice was of a young man.

"Zane. Hi, how are you?"Andy smiles.

There was a bit of shuffling on the phone, and then he hears a female voice.

"Andy! Is it time?! D-do we get to do the thing?!"she asks excitedly, causing him to chuckle.

"I love how eager you are to help me, Bea. And the answer is yes."Andy says, taking a seat.

"YES! FINALLY!"Bea screams.

"What made you change your mind?"Zane asks.

"Oh nothing. I just have a pig need slaughterin'. Slow, painful slaughterin'."Andy says in a southern accent, making Zane chuckle.

"Zane, you wouldn't happen to remember that phone number I told you, would you?"

"Of course. You know I'd never forget."

"Incredible. Do me a favor, will you?"



I sit up,  waking from my nap as I hear a familiar ringtone.

One I hadn't heard in a while, but out of instinct I instantly answer it.

"Hi daddy-..."I instantly cut myself off, my eyes widening.

"...hello my angel...."

I instantly freeze, in shock. My eyes rapidly blinking as tears formed in them.

"I can tell you didn't expect to hear my voice. You didn't get my letter?"

My lips quiver as I try to form words.

"N..no-no..I didn't.."I say softly.

"It's so good to hear your voice. I've been thinking about you a lot. All day, every day. You're the only thing keeping me sane, angel."

My lips quiver again and I wipe my wet cheeks with my hand as he speaks.

"I just wanted to call and tell you I love you. I knew you wouldn't answer the prison call. I love you, Dede."

My breath hitches and I finally mumble out a response.

"..w-what at you planning?"I ask softly.

He chuckles a bit.

"Nothing, love. Don't you worry about that."

"..i-i need to go."I whimper softly.

"Darling, before you do, do me a favor?"he asks as I whimper.

"....tell that fucking pig that I'll be seeing him soon..."

I instantly hang up the phone and try to take a deep breath.

My breath hitches and I begin to slightly hyperventilate, sensing that Dorian was in danger.

I begin to hyperventilate loudly, and then I hear the rumble of feet on stairs.

My brother enters my room, seeing me in my panicked state.

"Hey! Dede call down!"he says, running over to me as I begin rubbing my chest as it heaves.

He pulls me into a hug and hugs me tightly as he tries to ask what was upsetting me.

"Hey, focus! Focus on your breathing! Tell me what happened!"He demands, gripping my hands.

After a few moments, I was able to briefly catch my breath.

"D-Dorian! He-he's coming after Dorian!"I sob as he cups my cheeks.

"Doll I don't know what you're talking about!"He says.

"DORIAN!"I scream.


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