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Dorian enters Addison's home, finding the family gathered around her as she was hyperventilating.

"Hey! Everyone back up now!"he demands.

Addison instantly rushes over to Dorian, loudly sobbing as she hugs him.

"He's gonna hurt you. He's gonna hurt you Dorian."she sobs as he tries to console her.

He picks her up, speaking as he carries her up the stairs.

"I'm fine, look at me!"he says.


After some comfort, and a long stay under Dorian's shirt, Addison was finally able to speak.

"..he said he'd be seeing you soon...I think he's going to get out.."she says softly from under Dorian's shirt, exhausted.

"I doubt he can baby. Don't let him scare you like that."he says, rubbing her back.

"I wouldn't be so scared if it was someone else. But it's Andy. If Andy wants to get out, he can get out. He's done it twice before."Addison says.

"This time it'll be different."Dorian says soothingly, looking down into the neck hole of his shirt to see her eyes.

"I promise you."

She smiles, her eyes filled with hope.

"Okay. I believe you."she says softly before trying to work her way through the neck hole of his shirt, making him chuckle as she succeeds and places a kiss on his lips.

"You're sleeping here tonight."she says before popping her head back into his shirt to lay on his chest.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving now."he says, rubbing her back.


Andy's eyes open as he hears his cell door open.

"Wakey wakey psycho. We got you a roommate."a guard says.

Andy smirks and sits up as a young man is pushed into the cell.

The door closes behind him and he stands there nervously holding his bedding.

"Your name wouldn't happen to be Ash, would it?"Andy asks.

The boy shakes his head.

"And what are you in for?"Andy asks before jumping down from his bunk.

"..i-i killed someone, drunk driving."he says, looking at the floor.

"Oh I see, look at that guilty conscience. Perfect."Andy says with a smile before walking towards the cell door.

"We're going to have some fun."


Bea and Zane quickly make their way towards the prison. Bea had dyed her stringy blonde hair to black, and Zane sported a new low cut hairstyle.

"Think he's changed?"Zane asks.

"Are you kidding?"Bea asks with a chuckle.

"Some people do change you know."Zane says.

"I haven't."Bea says as she opens the door, allowing Zane to walk in.

"Well, that's because you're crazy."Zane shrugs.

"And proud. I wish Andy was proud of his crazy."Bea says as they walk towards the visitation station.

"He is, just in a different way. He's crazy in love."Zane says.

"What a simp."Bea scoffs.

"Aren't you in love with him?"Zane says.

"No, I'm not."Bea says, looking down as she signs in.

"You act like it."Zane says, folding his arms.

"That's because I'm a good friend."she says, looking at him.

"You sleep with a portrait of his ear."

She rolls her eyes.

"What do you know about love. You're literally a child."she huffs.



I wake up, still safely tucked under Dorian's shirt. Funny how I never have any nightmares under here.

I hear his slight snoring and try to stay silent as I pull myself from under his shirt.

I scratch my head, confused as to when I actually fell asleep. But I instantly notice that the curtains, and windows were fully open.

I gasp, alerting Dorian as he wakes up to me scurrying to close them.

"Babe what are you doing?"Dorian asks, groggy.

"Who opened the windows?!"I ask.

"Benny did. He came to check on you and saw us both sweating like crazy so he just let some cool air in."he says, rubbing his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell him not to do that?! S-someone could be taking pictures!"I say.

"No one is taking pictures of you, baby. I promise."Dorian huffs as he stands out of bed.

"But you don't know that."I say, making him chuckle.

"Don't you trust me?”

I sigh.

"Yes, I do."I say softly as he takes my hands.

"Then you have nothing to worry about. There's no one taking pictures of you."

I nod, smiling slightly as he pulls me away from the window.

We sit back on the bed and he picks up the remote.

"Friends or Martin?"


Friends or Martin???

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