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I wake up, hearing Dorian shuffling around.

I sit up a bit, noticing Dorian was packing our things back up.

"What are you doing,?"I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Mom got the flight. Just making sure we're prepared."he says before zipping up his suitcase.

"...when is the flight?"I ask, attempting to stand and help him.

"It's actually in the evening.."he says, stacking my suitcase on his.

"Dorian, come to bed please."I sigh.

"I will, just want to make sure."he says.

"Everything is going to be okay."I say, sitting up a bit more.

He looks over to me and releases a defeated sigh.

"Okay."he says with a fake smile before getting into bed as well.

He lays down and I scoot closer to him.

He wraps his arms around me and releases a soft breath against the back of my neck.


I wake up again, noticing that it was now morning and Dorian was missing.

I sit up, sighing at the chilly temperature in the room.

I look over to the table, where the large box of Andy's past sat.

I stand, walking over to the box and slowly pulling the lid off.

I run my thumb over the spines of the files before stopping on a random one and pulling it out.

On the tab of the folder it simply read Rue, Case One -Ohio

I sigh, walking back over to the bed and sit down in the covers.

I open the file, seeing a picture of a woman that strangely resembled me.

I begin reading a section titled victim statement.

"It started off cute. Well, I'm sure it always starts that way."



Andy and I met in a park.

I had blonde hair then.

I was walking past a fountain, and I noticed him sitting on the bench.

He was dressed really well. And he has on black, circular sunglasses. I remember that, I couldn't see his eyes when we first met. That should've been a sign.

He seemed really invested in his book so I didn't want to bother him, but he must've noticed me looking because after a little while he approached me.

He spoke really well. And the first thing he said to me was something out of a story book.

Right out of a fairytale. "You look like an angel,"he said.

We started talking, he told me he was an apprentice at a church. Learning to become a priest. He was very passionate about his religion.

I found it fascinating.

We talked for hours. It felt really good, he was engaging and smart, and god damn was he handsome.

At the end of the day I asked if I would see him again.

He said "If you'd like. With a face like that I'd do anything to see you again." Romantic, huh.

So, we met up again, and after that it became a regular thing.

He was so perfect, the perfect man.

He would hold me, and care for me, he loved me so well. Anything I wanted he gave me. Any time I needed him, he was there.

The Priest: It is mine to avenge; I will repay.Where stories live. Discover now