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I whimper as Andy grips my ankles, pulling me down the bed before beginning to tie my ankles together.

"Andy, stop you don't have to do that."I whimper.

"Don't be afraid Angel. Just a small precaution." He says, tying them together tightly.

"Ouch! Stop!"I say, squirming and kicking out of his grip.

He groans angrily and then stands up before turning around to face me.

"What are you trying to do? Hm?! Are you trying to get me upset, Addison?"he asks angrily.

"Do you know how hard I had to work to get to you? The amount of effort, and fucking dedication it took to finally have you back in my arms?"

"A-Andy, you tried to kill me last time."I say softly.

"How many times do I have to tell you I wasn't on my meds!"he says loudly.

His eye begins to twitch and he instantly covers it, mumbling angrily as he walks to the bathroom, slamming the door open.

"After everything I've done for you I thought you would realize we're meant to be together. We're supposed to be together!"he says angrily.

"Andy I can't! I fucking can't I want you to let me go!"I yell.

He immediately storms out of the bathroom in the room and his hand comes to my face, silencing me as I begin to sob.

"I have killed for you, Addison."he whispers as he looks into my eyes.

"Your dad. Your brother. Your teacher and her freak fucking husband. Even that fucking cop. All for you. Just to get to you, Addison. And deep down you know that all of their blood is on your hands Dede."he whispers, causing me to whine and shake my head.

"And deep down you know everyone knows it's your fault. I'm the only one who loves you for you just like you're the only one who loves me for me. I'm the only one who can love you the way you need to loved."

I clench my eyes close and allow tears to drip from them as his grip on my face tightens.

"It's okay. I know what Dorian did. He filled your head with lies, and doubt. I'm going to make you remember, Angel."he says softly as he removes his hand from my face.



I sit up as I hear screaming. I look over at Bea who was looking rather upset with her headphones on.

The whimpering continues and I stand, walking over to the bedroom Andy had settled in.

Although I was grateful and willing to help Andy in any way, I was starting to find the unmedicated version of himself to be a bit.. strange.

I can hear him talking to himself at night. Talking to Addison.

I knock on the door and suddenly the whimpering stops. After a few moments, the door opens and I see Andy standing shirtless.

I see Addison behind him on the bed, sobbing into the sheets as he arms and legs were bound.

Andy steps in front of my view of her, his eyes angry.

"What?"he asks, annoyed.

"I-i um..was going to ask about s-scottie."I say.

He groans and rolls his eyes.

"I forgot about that."

He closes the door and I jump. I look over at Bea as she sits up.

"What now?"she asks.

The door opens again and I see Andy in his red suit jacket with no shirt.

"Bea, keep an eye on my angel. You come with me."he says, walking past me.

I look at Bea, who shrugs before standing.

I sigh as well, following after Andy.


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