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Where are my Dorian people????

Where are my Dorian people????

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I rub my eyes, walking in one of Dorians shirts down the stairs to the kitchen.

I see my Grammy there and she smiles as she sees me.

"Doll! You're feeling better!"she says.

"Yeah. Dorian is really helping."I say softly.

"Well, at least someone in this house is getting some action. "She says, making me laugh.

"Oh c'mon Grammy, you act like you don't still got it."I say, bumping my hip against hers and causing her to laugh as well.

"That's right doll, you're speaking to a certified pimp."she says before sipping her tea.

I laugh again as I walk to the refrigerator.

"Oh, this came for you today."she says, scooting a small box over to me on the counter.

"A gift?"I question, sitting my water bottle down on the table.

"Looks like it."she says.

I grip the box, tearing the brown packaging with a smile.

I pull the lid off the box and look inside.

Instantly my smile fades.

I see little shreds of paper inside, as if someone had ripped them in anger.

Confused, I dump the small pieces out onto the table.

"Someone sent you trash?"Grammy asks.

I notice that some shreds had writing on them.

"...I think it's a puzzle?"I say, beginning to match a few of the boys together.

"How peculiar.."Grammy says as she begins to piece it together as well.

For 10 minutes Grammy and I put together the pieces till we get a strange drawing that neither of us could make out.

"I don't get it.."Grammy says, squinting.

I squint as well, trying to make out what the picture was.

Then, Grammy and I turn our heads to the side simultaneously.

"Oh."I say softly.

We both slowly shuffle to the side, and finally the image becomes visible.

It was a drawing of Andy and I, kissing. In front of my family's burning home.

My breathing begins to hitch and my grandma quickly begins to swipe the pieces back into the box.

"Calm down Dede, focus on your breathing! Don't get yourself all worked up."she says before walking over and giving me as tight a hug as she can.

I begin to whimper as she hugs me, trying not to hyperventilate.

"You're okay Doll, Grammys got you baby."she says, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"..why won't he just leave me alone.."I say, bursting into sobs as Grammy sighs.

"I don't know doll. I really don't know."


Where are my Andy people?????

Where are my Andy people?????

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Andy smiles, walking back towards his cell accompanied by a guard.

The cell door buzzes and the. Slowly slides open, and Andy turns to face the guard as he unlocks the cuffs.

"What are you so happy about?"the guard asks as Andy rubs his wrists.

He shrugs.

"I just like looking at you."Andy smiles.

A confused expression flashes over the guards face before he steps back, letting the door close as Andy makes eye contact with him.

He then walks away, clearing his throat and Andy sighs as he leans against the bars of his cell door.

"Isn't it so convenient to have a sexually confused prison guard?"he asks.

"What are you talking about?"his cellmate asks.

Andy sighs again and shakes his head.

"I'm too fucking smart for this place."


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