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Bea sits silently, looking at Andy who was asleep sitting up on the couch.

She walks over to him quietly and looks at his face. She sighs, shaking her head before reaching out and gently gripping his earlobe.

She rubs it between her fingertips and releases a shaking breath, her cheeks slowly turning pink.

Andy shifts and she quickly removes her hand and steps back. His eye opens and he glances at Bea before closing his eye again.

"Why are you watching me sleep, Bea?"he sighs before beginning to lay down on the couch.

"I-i was just going to get you a blanket."she says softly.

"Then get the blanket."he mumbles, slowly drifting back to sleep.

She quickly walks over to the closet where the blankets and towels were held and opens the door, getting a blanket.

She walks back over, throwing the blanket over Andy and softly tucking him in.

Before she could finish he pushes her hands away.

"Enough."he mumbles before turning away from her.

"Okay."she says softly before stepping back and then walking back towards her bedroom.



I sit quietly in the passenger seat, facing away from Dorian and glaring out the window.

In the reflection, I see Dorian sending me worrisome glances.

"..Dede?"he says, breaking the silence.

"..hm.."I say.

"...do you want to talk about anything?"he questions.

I sigh.

"Like how you lied to me?"I question.

"Babe I was only trying to keep you safe. You were doing so well."he says, looking back at the road.

"I deserved to know. I shouldn't have found out the way I did."I say softly.

"I know. I wanted to tell you I..I just didn't want to see you scared. I hate seeing you scared."he says.

"I'm always scared, Dorian. You act like I didn't tell you everything that he's done. Everything he's willing to do."I say, looking at him.

"I thought I could protect you. I can protect you, you just have to trust me."he says as we pull into the driveway of an unfamiliar house.

"Trust you."I scoff, causing him to look over at me.

"I promise, he's not going to get anywhere near you."he says.

"You've said that before."I say, looking at my hands.

"Babe."he huffs.

"I'm sorry. It's just..hard not to be an asshole right now."I say as he turns off the car.

"..I know.."he sighs, looking up at the house.

I look up at it as well.

"Who's house is this?"I question.

"..it's um, it's my parents house."he says.

I look over at him.

"Like..your dad?"I ask.

He only nods, then moves to get out of the car.

I watch as he gets out of the car and grow concerned as he walks around to the trunk.

I open the car door and step out as I see a small woman poke her head out of the front door, squinting.

"Dorian?"she says.

He looks up and then smiles.

"Oh my goodness Dorian!"she says, quickly running down the stairs and embracing him.

"We heard about the explosion! I was so worried oh my goodness!"she says before turning to me.

"Are you alright dear?"She questions before gripping both my hands.

"I-i'm okay."I say softly before she hugs me tightly.

"You poor girl. Please, come in. Your father is at work, he's very upset about the house so I'd steer clear of him."she says softly, bringing us towards the door.


I follow after Dorian as he leads me towards the guest bedroom.

"Your mom seems nice."I say as we enter the bedroom.

"She is. Why don't you rest a bit while I unpack? I'm gonna see if I can't get my mom to help us with the plane tickets."Dorian says, sitting our suitcases down before the dresser.

"Actually I think we should talk."I say, taking a seat on the bed and causing him to look up from his unpacking.

"Okay."he says, walking over and taking a seat next to me.

"...what all have you found out about him?"I question softly.

His expression changes to one of shock.

"I don't think it's a good idea to talk about that right now, babe."he says quietly.

"He's out, Dorian."I say.

"He's coming for us. I wanted to cut him out of my life and forget about him but he obviously has a different plan. I need to know what I'm in for."

He sighs.

"Are you sure Dede?"

I only nod.

"...wait here."he huffs before walking towards the bedroom door and then leaving.


Dorian comes back a few moments later with an evidence box. He places the box on the bed next to me and then clears his throat.

"His entire history. All his victims. Medical records."he says, pulling the lid off the box.

"How many other victims?"I ask.

"Two we could track down. One was a girl from Ohio. "He says, pulling a file from the box.

He hands it to me, not making eye contact.

"Is it bad?"I ask.

He looks at me and then simply nods.

"It's not good."

Suddenly, we hear a booming voice from below.

"DORIAN! DID YOU BLOW UP MY HOUSE?!" A man shouts angrily.

I instantly see all the color draining from Dorian's face and he swallows down hard.

"Well shit. This is gonna be fun."


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