5: Altered With

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5TH JANUARY, 2022.

The light skinned man was now almost unrecognisable due to the beatings he had received from the two robust men clad in black Armani suits. They had successfully dehydrated, starved, beaten and punched the light out of him as per their head's orders. His face was left untouched and unharmed due to the instructions they had received from the head but every other part of his body was scarred.

The torture they were inflicting on him came to a halt when the steel door was opened as the leader sauntered in with a roguish smile plastered on the person's face.

The leader was bedizened in a black Louis Vuitton long sleeved asymmetrical top which was thrusted into a black Cartier leather pants. Black ankle boots enclosed the person's feet as they slipped their black fingerless gloves on their hands. Pushing their fingers into their pants pockets leaving out the thumb as usual, the leader took careful strides towards the torturers and the tortured.

"I think that's enough...for now. That's if you're ready to let the cat out of the bag." A sly smirk made itself comfortable on the leader's face.

The man lifted his eyelids with difficulty, giving the famous leader a once over. "I-I told y-you I wanted to speak to the l-leader! Is this some sort of a joke?" He coughed out saliva mixed with blood almost choking him. He still managed to throw daggers towards the leader.

One of the men raised a fist about to throw at his disfigured self when the leader stopped him with a hand placed up indicating him to not a lay a finger on him. "Leave him, Ruthless. Unfortunately, my patience regarding this case just expired. Let's do things my way." Twisting their neck and pressing their knuckles, the leader was now five feet away from them.

The two robust men took cautious strides away because they knew things were about to get dirty.

The man held captive burst into mirthless laughter as he stared at the leader from head to toe. "You have to be fucking kidding me. Ouuu I'm so scared—-" before he could finish his mocking, two tooth came flying out of his mouth along with thick blood and saliva as the leader threw a fist on his left cheek.

"Sorry? What were you saying? Forgive me, I usually allow my captives to say their thoughts out, I must have gotten carried away." The person feigned ignorance by their actions and took the seat in front of the man that was chained up against an iron chair. That one punch was enough to make him recall all the evil deeds he had committed in his entire life. It was almost a similar to a bullet being shot just less intense. How could a—-

"Ready to talk now?"

The man stared at the person's eyes but was quick to avert his gaze elsewhere because he almost peed his pants due to the fury, temper, ferocity and anger the person's eyes held. He swallowed thickly, mentally reciting all the bible verses he could remember back when he was serious with his religion.

Like a dog, he nodded in fear.

"Good boy. Now, who sent you?" The voice held rage and severity that one could swear would destroy a thousand people suffering from famine.

He hesitated for almost a minute but decided to speak up nevertheless when he spot the gun on the person's hand. "I.."

"Words boy! I need authentic audible words."

"It was Jafar. Jafar Jax!"

"I knew it! I fucking knew it was that bastard JJ! But much to my expectation, he's a blinkard! An anserine even, because his foolish acts will make it easier for us to trap him once and for all." The leader held the gun that was on the table, ambulating back and forth sinking more into the case.

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