48: Intrepid Hearts

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The mansion was a beautiful but old one. The paint was peeling off the walls along with the floor panel that was pulling up, the steel gate was worn out  and rusty. Most of the houses in the neighborhood were either abandoned or vacant so one would swear it hadn't welcomed any visitor for ages. Little did they know that it was the sanctuary of all devious activities.

All the vehicles had arrived at the location at the same time. There was no doubt that the inhabitants of the mansion were aware of the fact that they were about to be ambushed, because two police officers were shot dead the moment they stepped out of their own car.

The area had more than five men guarding it but the eight armed agents that descended from their respective vehicles managed to take them all down as they broke open the gates, enabling two cars and one van to make their way inside.

The chief of the police department drove the van which the team were in. Arman swap places with the FBI agent that was previously on the passenger's seat.

"Mahmud Amir and Medina Amir, we know you're in there! Surrender now or forever face the consequences for your actions!" The chief articulated  through the large vector loudspeaker before urging the team to step out and take cover behind the van.

In response to the chief, three bullets were shot directly at the van from inside the building. Arman picked up one of them, "Hornady Ammunition," he shook his head while playing with the bullet with his thumb and index finger. Arman snatched the vector loudspeaker from the chief before shouting, "Medina never ceases to amaze me. The bitch lost all her wealth but she still managed to make customized bullets."

Zira was this close to committing arson. She didn't care if the whole place and all the people in it burn down to ashes, so as far as Medina and Mahmud's body burn along with it. That's how eager she was to get things over with.

Arman stepped forth to have a word with his team one last time before they all scatter around. The other security agents guarded them as though they were human shields as they used the five minutes spare to have one last conversation. "Division 17.." their Chief Executive Officer called out before the five responded, Zayn exclusive.

"Yes, Sir."

"This is the first and perhaps last mission I will ever accompany you on. And it may look as though it's going to all happen like most times where we have victory, happily ever after and all that shit. Don't delude yourselves today. I, myself am unsure of how things are going to turn out.

Stick together even as you're scattered around, work alongside your partners and be cautious in every move you make. I don't care if we get them dead or alive. I'd much rather them be dead by the end though. The chief and head of the FBI agents assume they might surrender. I've known these two for more than three decades and they would much rather commit suicide than surrender.

When you spot either of them, shoot them on sight! The last time I checked they were the ones that begged for massacre. Do you get me!?" He exclaimed with a fierce expression, staring at them one after the other as they responded in unison.

"Yes, Sir!"

He turned to his favorite niece, giving her a once over. And at that moment, he realized how proud he was of her and himself for breeding her to be the ferocious and passionate woman she is today. Years back, if he were to be told that the once naive and shy girl would turn out to be this strong woman, he would've laughed at the person's face.

Yes, he took it upon himself to train her but he at first didn't assume it was possible. Allah truly works miracles. "Zainab Ibrahim Sanusi," he referred to her with her government name. The name that was buried alongside her parent's graves in New York.

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