14: Love Hurts

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"Two weeks in and I already hate it there!" I slumped back on my bed, letting out a groan. I put the phone on speaker because I got tired of holding it up on my ear.

Uncle released into fits of laughter that I wished I could choke him so I could stop hearing the sound of it. "What part of it, precisely?"

"Every single aspect. They're all so nice to me which is really irritating and frustrating at the same time. Adam is keen on making sure that I lose my job. Sarah and Amani's constant arguments is another case on it own. Mukhtar is a freaking pervert. Then the worst of all which is that Zayn guy! Unfortunately, due to his nonchalant rich kid lifestyle, he barely goes for work which means I roam about LA with him depending on where his crazy ass decides to stop by, along the way making sure he annoys and irritates the fuck out of me!

I can't take it anymore! I just can't!" I ranted out all that has been bothering me to him. This wasn't all but I doubt mere words could elaborate how frustrated I am.

How am I supposed to keep up with this job for ten months? Ten freaking months?

"It seems like you despise them all, don't you?" He tried stifling down his wicked laughter.

I sighed before twirling around on the bed facing heavenwards, "Not all. I kind of like the other girl, Amani."

"That's not surprising really, she has a bubbly nature."

"Affirmative. Her brother on the other hand is desperately begging to be my next target for first degree murder." I couldn't help but roll my eyes just at the thought of his ridiculous face.


I wanted to correct him and say that it's Zayn and not Ayaan but I remembered his name was also Ayaan. I've gotten so used to Zayn and not the other name. "That's the name. The other day I drove him to their so-called gorgeous looking family ranch that——"

He cut me off midway, "Did you just say ranch?" Uncle's tome instantly swiped from playful to deadly serious. I sat up and placed the phone on my lap.

"Yes, why?"

"By any chance can you recall the name of the ranch?" It was his way of asking me for the name because he knew I wasn't the forgetful type. No matter how unimportant it may be, I just never forget.

"MAIM Ranch. Not too far from UCLA, near—-"

"No freaking way.." he murmured to himself in utter disbelief but it appears to be that the phone wasn't too far from his mouth cause I heard. "Did you just say there family ranch?" The astounding tone his voice held made me suspicious. And I never let my suspicions go away without being fed.

"Yes, it's there family ranch. It's really big—no large even. It's one of the finest opulent ranch I've ever set eyes on with due honesty."

Uncle released a sarcastic chuckle that gave away the fury beneath it. "No, Zira. It's not there's. That pristine ranch is Ibrahim and Maryam's years of hard work. It took them both years to acquire it and renovate the ranch to how it is today. Five years after their death, I met Medina and she had told that Maryam sold the ranch off to an Italian family. Ya Allah, how could I have been so stupid to believe her lie?" I didn't miss the sound of him facepalming himself out of distress.

I paused for a moment to digest what he had just said.

The ranch belongs to my parents and not them. They basically stole it and claimed it to be theirs after all. How cheap are these people to go this low for worldly things?

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