39: The Crossover.

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21ST JULY, 2022.

The Amir's Residence.

"Why not just try coffee for once in your life?" Zira passed the cup of cappuccino she had just prepared for her brother.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "I'm good. Allow me to consume my tea in peace." She added sugar to her tea, settling down on the chair next to him."

"If you mean your decoction and dried leaves, then sure." He shrugged, giving her a teasing look which earned him a playful punch on the shoulder.

"So what's up with you and Amani?" Zira wiggled her brows playfully.

Aaron turned slightly red at the mention of his girl. "What do you mean?" He feigned ignorance, taking a sip out of his coffee.

Zira rested her hands on the table, leaning in with squinted eyes. "You know exactly what I mean." She whisper yelled with a mischievous grin on her lips.

The girl was going to be the end of him. Come to think of it, he sometimes liked it better when she was quiet. Because there is no shutting up a mischievous Zee, she was worst than her gun and weapon side. He pushed her face away by pressing his fingers on her forehead. "Staying with Zara has really started rubbing off on you."

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Come on, tell me about you and her," she pleaded, with cute puppy dog eyes that she failed woefully at. If it were before, she would've succeeded but now, she looks like she's going to rip his head off if he doesn't tell her.

Aaron burst out into fits of cackles, clutching onto his chest. She also couldn't hold in her laughter so she joined her brother in his cackles. Right on cue, Sarah, Amani and Zayn sauntered into the kitchen.

It took the brother and sister a slight second before they realised the presence of others in the room. Zayn looked like he was ready to rip off Aaron's head anytime soon. As far as he's concerned, he's the only man that's supposed to make her laugh and not some random man from her agency.

Amani was slightly hurt, seeing how happy and cheerful he is with Zira. Most times when they're together, he tries his best to keep it all formal and she hates that. But here he was, laughing like never before with a complete stranger. Wait a second, did Zira just actually laugh?

They had noticed how much time they spend together when the two aren't working and it's starting to piss some certain people off.

"Oh no, I think he just made the hell cat laugh," Sarah ambled towards them, her eyes pinned on Aaron who now had on a plain facial expression. He disliked the girl before and the feelings are still the same. And her sexualising him in public is one thing he hated about her. She had no control button and the more she tempts him, the higher the chance of him losing his cool. Sarah placed her right palm on his cheek, "I have to warn you though, about little miss hell cat over here,"

She leaned in and whisper yelled, in a way that everyone in the room could hear everything. "She has all the men in this family wrapped around her fingers. From my own father, brother, Adam and let's not even talk about Ayaan over there." He clenched his fists, mentally reciting some du'as that will help restrain him from doing what he initially plans.

When she said the last part, Zayn and Zira shared a look that lasted a few seconds before they both looked away. Not too fast for her brother and Amani to notice though. But was Sarah was saying actually true? Did she really have all these men in her control? Mahmud always eyes her in ways that any normal girl would find uncomfortable. Muktar always flirts with her, she always bickers with Adam, then Zayn. They barely even exchange one or two words so he was still confused about that.

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