36: Whirlwind

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Dear Maryam's diary,

It's the beginning of sophomore year and a lot have happened throughout those years. Mi elder hermana, Rukky, finally left us. I'm still saddened by the fact that she left me all alone to our abusive parents. But at the same time, I'm glad she was able to escape the clutches of Mom and Dad. She was now a free bird and I'm happy for her. I miss her a lot though. Now that she's gone, I receive two times the normal beating I formally did.

Oh well, I'm used to it by now. The free makeup and skincare products I receive from the store I work at, helps a lot.

Freshman year was amazing. I made lots of friends and we even formed a friend group.

Medina Darwin, the very sweet and rich girl from first day of school. She was now one of my best friend.

Mahmud Amir, my current boyfriend. You heard that right. He asked me out on the third week of second semester and I accepted. He's my first boyfriend and I really really like him. He's been treating me well and I respect him for that.

Fareed Amir, my boyfriend's brother, who has a bucket full of humor. He's quite charming and extremely funny. He's nicer than his brother though, because Mahmud can be a handful at times.

Nabila Darwin, Medina's younger sister, was a social butterfly. She's very bubbly and energetic. A girl so full of life and was always out to see the goodness in others. I think Fareed has some sort of crush on her though.

Hailey Hart, the beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes. She's some times very reserved but also very outgoing and intelligent. She's a sweetheart and cares about helping people a lot. I'm almost a hundred percent she'd end up working in a charity organization or something.

Yusrah Muktar, the youngest but also the sweetest. She was the kindest amongst everyone. She is also very emotional and affectionate. She once cried because she saw a bug with a broken wing. Yeah, weird but cute. I adore her a lot though.

Arman Sanusi, my very own best friend. He's just an amazing person and most of his traits moves in sync with mine. We clicked since on the first day of school. Although, when it comes to putting people in trouble, causing everyone to get a detention or troubling innocent people, you can always count on him. He's dangerous. Awfully dangerous that I liked him a lot.

Ibrahim Sanusi, Arman's elder brother, I hate him so much. It's a good thing both of us are still alive because I'm eager to rip his heard apart. He's so full of himself and apparently, getting beneath my skin he's the one thing he's good at. And him being the most handsome guy amongst the rest didn't make it any better.


"We're talking about the most illegal substances in the continent, Uncle." Zira fumed over the phone. She still hasn't recovered from the shock from the previous day.

Arman sighed, massaging his temples. "You need to calm down."

"How can I calm down? When I'm going to be part of this illegal dealings, not to talk of the fact that drug trafficking is a huge sin."

"It's not a sin if you're working undercover to take them all down."

"Sir, might I remind you that I belong to division 17. Also the counterterrorism division. One of our major commissions and duties deal with drug trafficking cartels. My subconscious wouldn't let me go through with this." She sat up on her bed.

"You don't have any other option. Endure it for few more months before we take them down."


"Remember, you're doing it for your parents, your siblings, Me, Yusrah, Nabila and Fareed." He needed to remind her of their sole purpose. To exact revenge on those two devils. And for that to be done, she had to go through with the proposal.

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