45: Where it all began

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Three decades back, Maryam and Medina were the closest amongst the girls and even the whole group as a whole. Medina's bond with her sister, Nabila, was a very beautiful one that a lot of people envied. It was synonymous to Fareed and Mahmud. Arman and Ibrahim were more like best friends than mere brothers. Yusrah was the little miss sunshine of the group while Hailey was more of the do gooder among them.

Even though most of them would fight like cats and dogs, Maryam and Ibrahim especially, it still didn't alter with the fact that they were willingly to do anything for one another. What then could bring about the separation of the group?

Jealousy perhaps? Or could it be envy? Hatred? A little mistake?

Ibrahim, who was in an almost two years relationship with Medina as of then, broke up with her just a week to spring break. He couldn't keep up with her endless tantrums about minor issues, and her demands for materialistic things he couldn't afford at that time. Yes, he came from a wealthy home. But he couldn't just be plucking out the money and lavishing it on his precious girlfriend. He loved her. But after sitting down and having a talk with Yusrah about the foundation of love and whatnot, he realised he wasn't in love with her.

Medina, however, loved him with her all. She could do anything for him without caring about him. She was that selfish when it came to Ibrahim.

Hence, broke up with her after their last fight which led to her hitting him on the face in front of the whole cafeteria. Ibrahim was a gentleman to every lady out there—-except Maryam who was his personal pain in the ass. Even after the slap, he was still calm and made sure he tried to soothe her down. They were friends before they dated and he made sure they remained friends.

With the help of the girls, they made the most out of their spring break and managed to heal a broken hearted Medina. But was she ever truly healed from the heart break?

Maryam was still a continuous victim to physical violence from her parents, but did a great job in hiding it from the world and her friends. Nobody would ever suspect that someone as bold and lovable like Maryam could be going through all that. Everyone loved her. Even the few people that disliked her, only disliked her because they could never be like her.

She was someone that knew just how to brighten up the atmosphere just by popping up. Her only flaw was the fact that she came from a poor background. She was the only person in the group who wasn't well off. She was in that particular school because she got a sponsor and nothing more. Her parents couldn't give two shit about what she ate talk more of her education and well being.

But nobody knew that. Not even her closest friends. And she wished it stayed that way.

Fast word to the ending of the school year of their junior year. After the summer break, they would finally be seniors. The homecoming dance came by and everyone had dates. Well all except Ibrahim. He was going solo. That was after rejecting all the thirteen girls that asked him out.

Yusrah was going with Arman. Hailey with a foreign exchange student from Sweden. Fareed with Nabila. Then Mahmud with his girlfriend, Maryam.

The girls went to a fancy spa to get ready for the night. Maryam who knew even if she saved up two months of her salary she wouldn't be able to afford it, decided to get ready at home. Despite both the girls and the guys insisting on paying for her, she declined their offers. Of course it hurt, but she hated hand outs. Even if it was from her friends.

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