22: Unplanned Meetings

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Whoever said shopping with two twenty two year old ladies was an uncomplicated task, has to be the deceiver of the century, an hour had already elapsed whereas they haven't even gotten quarter of what they intended on. They both had to wait for the other to finish what they were doing before moving to the next, due to the fact that they had one bodyguard with them. "Where are you?"

"At work."

"I thought you only worked on weekdays?" Mabel exclaimed on the other end of the phone, when Zira cancelled their plans for the day.

She rolled her eyes at how loud her best friend was being, "Can you not damage my eardrums! And yes, I only work weekdays but today is an exception. The girls are out shopping, their big day is tomorrow."

"I still don't see why you quit your job at the CSR to work as a bodyguard and chauffeur." She was never going to find out the real reason her best friend took that job. Though, Mabel has been curious and suspicious of it.

Zira was beginning to regret her choice of picking her call because it seems as though she was going to cut it sooner than she had planned. "I didn't quit. I'm on temporary leave for ten months. Plus, the pay is good." She shrugged off the last part. Not like the money they paid her was of any good.

"Whatever. I still prefer the CSR."

"Do I have to remind you that your opinion doesn't matter?"

"Oh come on, I'm your best friend."

"You're not my best friend. I don't have one." Zira simply dictated as though it was already an obvious fact. She doesn't have friends, at least that's what she wants to believe. The only one she never feels heavy to refer to as a friend is Mabel. She wholeheartedly adores her.

"Keep saying it till you believe it." She hung up on her.

"Can you help me select the colour?" Amani pleaded with Zira, as she surveyed through the boutique at Aritzia. The girl had to be losing it because, who in their right sense would spare her a glance and ask her for advice on these type of things? "I'm not good at this." Zira stood idly, with her arms wrapped around her chest, eagerly waiting for the two to wrap things up.

"Come on, Zira. Please.." she was still persistent on it.

"Go with all black from head to toe, a Wednesday Addams dress precisely then wrap it up with a black lipstick." She replied curtly, with seriousness surfacing over. The two ladies stared back at the bodyguard with slackened jaws as shock consumed them. It was even hard to detect whether she was being sarcastic or not.

Zira shrugged, casually rolling her eyes beneath her black shades. She was the one asked for advice on these type of stuff so why was she acting all stunned by her reply. Personally, that was her best idea for a dress if she were ever to,willingly, wear one. Besides, this is the best advice she has given anyone in a long time so she should be lucky. "What?"

"It's a happy celebration not a burial ceremony." Sarah retorted with that well cultured voice of hers than gave most people the impression of her being well mannered, shooting her a glare.

Zira slipped her hands back into her pants pocket, "It could be your burial ceremony if you're opportune." She didn't hesitate to bark back. Amani quickly cleared her throat not wanting them to get into an argument that could cause a commotion inside the boutique. Sarah wasn't one to shut up whereas Zira wasn't also someone that would let you get away with misbehaving with your tongue at her.

"It's okay. I'll find a nice dress before we leave. I hope.." she murmured the last part to herself before sauntering pass them heading over to check out some other designs.

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