29: Fate wasn't on their side

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"Some people are just unnecessarily rude." Zara complained as she sat opposite Aryan. They had planned to meet there, since they still didn't have each other's number.

Unbeknownst to them, Aryan wanted to introduce them to each other but Zira had already left so it was pointless. "I see you've met her already."

"Wait, that was her?" Zara's eyes widened. She thought he was exaggerating when he was describing how blunt and curt his friend was but she had witnessed it with her eyes today.

He nodded with a slight chuckle, "Unfortunately."

"Damn, she's so rude."

"I told you so."

"I didn't get to see her face though."

"Maybe some other time. I'll order for you."



"Mr Edward, I was going through these documents and I happened to come across something odd." I stated as I made my way into my boss's office at the bodyguard agency.

He appeared to be on a call so I waited for him patiently before he was through. Dropping his phone on the desk, he fixed his attention on me. "Yes, Agent Haroon. What were you saying?"

I opened the page to where I found something suspicious, turning it around for him to have a clear view. "This!" He had to adjust his glasses before he scrutinized it which consumed about two minutes.

His lips stretched into a smile after going through it then averted his gaze back to me. "What exactly is wrong with it?"

"This person, what was her name again...." I read the paper out loud.

"...Zira Sa'eed. It says here that she's been working here for about two years and I'm certain no one with that name has worked here."

"And what's wrong with that, Mr Haroon?"

I scoffed in disbelief. Is he really acting like this
"This is fraud by false representation, Sir."

"Pay close attention, Agent Haroon. The system in which things are done in this country is controlled by the higher ups. So whenever you come across things like that, it's best if you just let it slide."

"But it's inauthentic and all trumped up."

"Majority of things are trumped up in the states."

"Unbelievable! Just because that's how things are in this nation that doesn't also imply that we cling to it. It's not right and you know it. She has never worked here and I doubt she even has any experience whatsoever of body guarding!"

"It doesn't matter."

"No kidding, bullshit!"

"Don't dwell more on that and I urge you to never raise this topic again. I'm sure I've made myself clear, haven't I?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. You can go now. It's pass closing hours already."

"You seem stressed, what's up?" Peter, one of my colleague, asked as we made way for the exit.

I shrugged, "It's nothing serious. I'm just exhausted from work."

"Come on, let's go have some fun tonight then!" He suggested. Peter was the type of friend I think I should've avoided because he was a terribly bad influence on me but I can't just put him in the bin, forgetting how he's been with me through thick and thin.

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