44: Jackpot

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"While it would make my life a lot easier, it would also make it a lot more boring. I prefer the world with you in it. For now, anyways," Adam said dropping the gun but just after I released a sigh of relief, he wrapped his left arm around my neck from behind. "I'll ask you once and only once. Who are you?"

I struggled to detach herself from his grip. "You're hurt—"

"—-cut the crap. When did we start using those lines? Look, I might not have the courage to kill you but I can shoot at your leg if you don't speak up. Who are you?" He raised his voice, his gun directed at my leg.

That's the disadvantage of having a bitchy attitude. Everyone assumes you're immune to getting hurt or feeling emotional. "Aydam,"

"Who. Are. You?" his hot breath fanned against the skin on my back.

If I didn't know him well enough, I would've called his bluff. But it didn't matter the relationship I shared with him, the man was so loyal to Mahmud that he would lay down his life for him. "I don't like repeating myself, Master Shifu. I told you I didn't trust you right from the start and my instincts were never wrong after all,"

"Screw you and your instincts!" I spat. And it was times like these where I truly believed that my tongue would be the end of me.

He laughed maniacally, wrapping his hand on my neck as I began to lose my breath. He was choking me, but not so hard that I wouldn't be able to speak. "How are you doing?"

My mouth was wide open as I released a moan as he tightened the grip. "If I can still breathe, then I'm f-fucking f-fine." I let out in a stutter, glaring up at him. He bent my head down to the level where I could see him from behind.

"You don't look fine."

I licked my bottom lips, "T-then stop looking." Personally, I had no idea where my confidence was oozing out from but it was there. Even as I was being choked to death. Classic Zira.

He didn't say a word after that. Instead, he used both his hands to strangle me and one last string and I'll come thudding down lifeless. I couldn't risk it.

"Y-your sister. M-maryam," I uttered, causing him to release the grip he had on me, completely letting his guard down. He looked mystified and baffled by the utterance of my mother's name. I had gone hard through her diary to know everything about Adam.

I fell to the floor, coughing out saliva as I rubbed my neck. For a moment there, I thought he was actually going to go through with it. "What are you saying? How did you know her name?" He ruffled with his hair that now fell on his shoulder because of the absence of his band.

I glared at him, picking up my bag pack with difficulty. The gut he had to question me even after almost choking me to death. "Fuck you." I threw the finger at him before shoving pass him. It didn't take long before he pulled me back.

"You're not going anywhere! Who the hell are you?"

I hesitated, averting my eyes elsewhere. There was no way he was letting me out without getting answers. And if mom's words in her diary were true, then the next words that are going to leave my lips will be the best choice I make.

"Maryam Ibrahim Sanusi," I said, his eyes still looking at me in confusion. Then I pointed at myself, whispering, "Zainab Ibrahim Sanusi. Strike out the Zira Sa'eed and do the math. You're not too stupid, that, I'm sure." I wrapped my hands across my chest, staring at him as I waited for his next act.

It took him a minute till his eyes widened, darting it at me. Adam shook his head, unable to believe what he just heard. "N-no. It's not possible. N-no—you don't know what you're saying,"

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