27: Deranged

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"Your seatbelt, Zayn." Zira stated the one sentence she says every single time she's driving him. He was a hater of anything put to hold him down, seatbelts come number one his hate list.

Although, with the controlling chauffeur his uncle had got him, he has no other choice but to do as she says. He glanced upwards, kissing his teeth with his tongue which produced a hissing sound. "At times, I have this urge to strangle you."

She adjusted her shades, not sparing him her expensive glance. "That's all you'll ever have, the urge."

It looks could kill, Zira would've been butchered down to bits by now.

After another five minutes long argument between the two, Zayn directed her to where he wanted to head to today. Not too long after, they arrived at a neighborhood she knew quite too well. Much to her surprise, he directed her to the only house she knew in the neighborhood.

"If I had known this was where we were coming, I wouldn't have left the office." She admitted with a scoff. Her blood had already started boiling as she tightened her grip on the wheels.

He removed the seatbelt, "Don't forget you still work for me."

She rolled her eyes, drawing her lips back into a snarl. "Fuck you."

"If I was paid each time you say that, I would've beaten Elon Musk on the chart." He removed a new hair brush from the compartment, running it down his soft hair as he checked himself on the mirror. Zayn always has

She ignored him and busied herself with her phone.

"How do I look?" He flashed his bright teeth, tapping her on the shoulder.

Shooting him an infamous glare, a reply came after. "Like a worthless piece of fuckwit."

"Coming from you, I think that's hot in your language. I'll be right back!" That being uttered, he stepped down from the car and walked down the pathway of the house. Zayn pressed on the doorbell as he patiently waited for the person to come out. About ten minutes after, Aira appeared in front of him dressed in a white shirt sleeved silk button down shirt, tucked into a set of cream sailor pants. She had on a brown jersey veil around her head. Her feet were clad in brown strap heels while her Versace purse was held with her hands.

"You look pretty." Zayn complimented sincerely, extending his hand out for her to take, which she did. Not before sending him a warm smile.

"Thank you. I'd compliment you but no, you get that way too much." He chuckled at that, before holding her hand as they moseyed towards the car.

Zira was watching them from afar, sending daggers their way. She hates the site of those two together because it makes her blood boil and she was often consumed by rage whenever she sets eyes on both of them together.

He opened the back door for her before sliding in, seating next to her. "Oh hey, Zira!" Aira chimed excitedly when the vanilla scent hit her nostrils. That was her signature scent. Anyone that knows Zira would instantly recognize her by that scent even without seeing her face properly.

"Hello." She graced her with a response, unlike she intended to.

"I sometimes forget you're now his driver."

"It's chauffeur."

"It's the same thing, isn't it?" Aira raised a brow though she couldn't properly see her face.

"That wasn't what was written on my contract when I got the job." Zira barked back.


Zira cut her off before she got the chance to speak any further, "Where to, Zayn?" Aira was slightly taken aback by the name in which she referred him to. As far as she knows, nobody calls him that. It was always Ayaan, then why was he allowing her to call him that?

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