40: Eid Party

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"What could I have expected?" Adam murmured to Me himself as Zira sauntered towards him.

She glared at him, "I heard that! And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's Eid but you're still dressed like..you." He rolled his eyes, slipping his hands inside his pockets.

"Were you missing me, Aydam?"


"I'll take that as a yes. Can I blame you though? You literally have no friends,"

"I have friends." He argued, rubbing the nape of high neck.

"Like?" Adam didn't reply. Instead he averted his attention to Zayn who stood alone, lost in his own ocean of thought.

She furrowed her brows, "Him? But you guys hate each other,"

"True. But he's still my friend. My closest one even."

"He seems so different, don't you think so?" Adam asked, nudging her.

"Like he's not deliberately pissing someone off nor is he articulating his usual snarky comments. He's completely whipped." Adam stated. Aira had walked up to him and started a conversation with caused him to smile.

"Aira, huh?" She wrapped her arms around her chest, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Don't even try to pretend. You know exactly what I mean." Adam glared at her.

"I don't." She denied.

"The guy's in love with you, Master Shifu!" He blurted out taking her completely by surprise.

"You don't know what you're saying." This was her cue to walk away. And she was about to, but he pulled her back.

"Oh no, get your ass back here,"he turned her to face him directly, but she avoided his gaze at all cost.

"You know he loves you, right?"


"Cut the crap. You know you're the only one that has hit him on the face and gotten away with it, right?"

Zira was about to roll her eyes at that but then turned back at him, "Wait what?"

"He spends an hour and five minutes just for his skincare, you don't assume he would allow just anyone to touch—hit—his face without him flipping, do you?"

The bodyguard was completely lost and short of words. "This man skips work just to hang out with you and believe me, it's not like he doesn't have tons of shit to take care of. He loves you, and I'm ninety nine percent sure that the feeling is mutual."

Her eyes went wide as saucers, trying to morph her face into one that screams denial but she seem to have forgotten who she was speaking to. The man that almost saw beneath all her wept of lies. "I see the way you look at him, Zira. What was that stuff Amani was yapping on and on about? Oh yeah, the look of love. Look at me," he instructed her, before she averted her gaze back to him.

"You love him, don't you?"

The only lie that can slip out of her mouth smoothly without Adam seeing through it, is that which connects to the whole revenge scheme. "I think I do."

He broke into a smile, "Let's try again. You love him, don't you?"

She slowly nodded, "If what a certain someone said about love, is really true, then yes. I love him."

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