38: Time waits for no one

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One of the hardest thing about reality is time. Time is inevitable. An unstoppable force that only the creator of all things, has control over. It doesn't wait for you to grief nor does it spare you more seconds to get better, it just keeps going. And just like that, you are forced to shove the grief and sadness in your heart elsewhere, and continue going on with your life.

Because time doesn't wait for anyone.

It certainly didn't wait for Zira.

As much as she hated it, as much as her system was declining, as much as she was tired of everything in her life, she dared not take a day off. In her world, there's nothing like days off. Not when she has a lot of people counting on her not to.

She was in her usual all black fit, a hand placed on the steering wheel while the other one on the door, dark shades intact, as she waited for her employers kids to show their faces. Even though it was the last thing she wanted at the moment. Not like she has a choice.

Her head was still on fire and everywhere hurts but, she has to keep going. Even though she isn't sure if the direction she's heading towards.

The sound of the door being opened brought her back to reality. The moment she's dreaded.

"Put on your sea—" she paused midway to her usual warning to Zayn on the safety of seatbelts, when she realised he wasn't the one on the front seat. It was Sarah. She tilted her head backwards to find him comfortably sat there, without a hint of emotion selling him out. He was so consumed with his phone that he hadn't noticed her staring at him. Or so she thought.

That, or he was simply just still mad about everything that had occurred yesterday.

"Come on, Chauffeur. Let's get going." Sarah ordered, with a hint of sass lacing behind her annoying girly yet bossy pitch.

Zira didn't have time for her. Not today at least. She pressed on the push button ignition, turning it all the way to start the engine. "Where's Amani?"

Her heart skipped a beat when he spoke. It didn't sound like the Zayn she knew, it sounded like someone who had just been injected with toxin. "She-"

The man cut her off short, turning to his cousin who was equally as stunned as Zira. "I believe I asked you a question, Sarah?" It had just occurred to her that

"Amani is—"

"Sarah?" He pinned his gaze on her, completely ignoring the chauffeur's presence.

"Some men came after her again at work but she got lucky and some people saved her. Mom and Dad got upset and decided to get her a 24/7 bodyguard and personal chauffeur."

"She what?" He bellowed, his eyes bolting out of it socket. That was when they realized that non of what had transpired during his short trip, had reached his ear.

"Oh yeah, and she jumped down from her room's window and tried escaping from the mansion when Mom and Dad refused to let her out. Now she has a new bodyguard. And a very hot one if I might add. I'm so jealous of her right now, she's with the hottie while I'm stuck with little miss hell cat—" she wasn't done with her blabbering when he furiously descended from the car, marching back inside the mansion.

The two girls sauntered after him, with worried expressions on their faces. Things were never good when Zayn was mad. Sarah had witnessed it and it's a sight she avoids at all cost. Zira, however, has heard of it. But never has she witnessed it. Well, not if last night fiasco counts.

"Get out!" He dragged Amani's right arm, just when she was about to enter the Audi, pulling her back up and taking her completely by surprise. By the mere sight of his eyes, she knew things were not going to turn out well.

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