33: It feels unreal

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Zira had fallen unconscious due to the shock that had overpowered her. That only confirmed to her siblings that she really was, Zee. Back when they were young, whenever she was in an intense state of shock or times when she would be completely overwhelmed, she loses consciousness.

Over the years, she has learnt to control it, but seeing two persons who are supposed to be dead, staring right back at her face, she thought she had returned back to her lord.

Aaron had carried her out of the building, as the police had instructed everyone to evacuate the scene, the smoke from the fire had worsened and anyone with severe medical condition wouldn't be safe, remaining there. With Zara trailing behind him, still in astonishment, they moved to the diner opposite the store. It was her favourite diner.

As though he had knowledge of her usual booth, he laid her down, her legs resting on his laps while Zara slipped through the booth across them. No words was exchanged between either of them as they sat their with jarring and overwhelming hearts. They stole glances from each other a few times, just to confirm if they really are brother and sister. The physical features was way too obvious to be false.

Zira, however, was the only one that had changed almost completely. If someone was to tell them that the feisty lady that had no mute button was their sister, they would just stare at the person like he or she has lost it. Their sister was the sweetest, shyest, and most reserved person they had ever met.

About seventeen minutes had passed by and the atmosphere was still silent. Well just there booth to be precise. Other than that, the diner was always lively whether it was day or night.

Momentarily, Zira began changing position, squeezing her fists and eyes tight, as though trying to escape from her frequent nightmares. But this time around, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a dream where Zara and Aaru were actually alive and she had reunited with them after so many years. A dream where she was opportune to witness what Zara and Aaru would like if they actually lived up to the year 2022. A dream she didn't want to wake up from but the brightness of the diner wasn't helping.

Fluttering her eyes open, she was met with a scintillating radiance that she would recognise even in her dreams. Hence, she assumed she was still in her dreamland because she occasionally dreams of eating chicken at the diner. This time around though, it was different, it felt real. She felt her legs on top of someone's laps. A man's lap to be precise. Lifting her head up, she was met with a four eyes staring back at her. Eyes that she had longed for, for sixteen good years!

Zira let out a somewhat involuntary scream of shock, excitement and sadness, throwing her arms around the two persons that stared back at her with glossy eyes. Her shoulders had given up on her. Tears streamed down her cheeks like never before and she was unsure of when they were going to stop.

They reciprocated the action by wrapping their arms around one another in a way that all three were entangled together with the girls sobbing uncontrollably. Aaron was too perplexed to even let his own set of tears roll down.

How is it possible?

Just how?

"Please tell me it's not a dream! Tell me I'm not dreaming and you two are really here! Tell me I'm not hallucinating..." Zara sobbed harder, clutching onto them as though her life depended on her siblings.

Zira sniffed, neither of them were ready to release one another. "If it's really a dream then nobody should wake us up! Please..." today was the most vulnerable she has ever been in her sixteen years of being without them. First it was Zayn and now them? Just how exactly is that even possible?

Aaron finally pull them away because they were literally on top of him, with their heads clung together. All the tears had drenched his shirt but it was the very least of his worries at the moment. He stared at his two beautiful sisters who were now a crying mess but to him, this is the most beautiful scene he has encountered with for a very long time.

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