47: Meet and Greet?

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Adam and Aaron arrived at one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico early in the morning. They were warned first hand to go with at least extra security from the police or agency, but the two strong headed men declined the offer.

They settled at the city center's diner where most foreigners drop by when they arrive. Although, they were in disguise, just so no one would suspect a thing.

"Are you on board with the plan?" Aaron raised a brow at Adam, as he took a sip out of the nonalcoholic wine they had ordered earlier on their arrival.

He nodded, finishing his glass before rising up to his feet and heading towards the men at the counter. Adam fixed the placement of his sombreros hat before leaning down and passing on an informal Mexican greeting which they responded to with ease.
"I was wondering if you've heard any word on the people's man, JJ?" He murmured

The expression on the men's face darkened before they shared a look. The one in the middle was the first to speak, "Nobody hears a word from, JJ,"

The third guy raised his head up before muttering lowly, "Not unless he wishes to see you."

Adam stretched his lips into a smirk, before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure how it works around here. But give his men a heads up. Gracias." He lowered his head a bit in respect before sauntering back to his seat.

Aaron sat up, fixing his posture, "What did they say? Do you think it worked?"

Adam released an exhausting sigh, "I hope it did."

"So, what's the backup plan? In case this flops," Aaron was the one that came up with this particular tactic while Adam formulated the second one.

Four men clad in suits ambled inside the diner, heading towards the counter where Adam had spoken to the men. The one who seemed like the leader of four men, spoke first while they others remained behind him.

"Where are the men that were asking of JJ?"

The cashier guy pointed at Adam and Aaron who were engrossed in their scheming to have even noticed their arrival. "The one with long hair is Mexican but I doubt the other is. They haven't touched a sip of liquor nor alcohol since they arrived,"

The second waiter who was around seconded, "That was what raised our suspicions even more."

The man clad in suit smirked in amusement before giving his men a go ahead. "Aaron Ibrahim and Adam Forsyth in flesh. How stupid of them to even ask about the ripper. Take them!" He ordered before they went over to their table.

"We head to the other famous diners and bars and attempt the same thing. That's the only way word will reach his ears that they are people who are in search of him—" Adam was cut short by a tap on the shoulder. The second he tilted his head sideways, a punch landed on his cheek taking him completely by surprise.

It didn't take long for the two fearless men to start fighting back the three men while the head simply watched them from the counter. The people at the diner didn't seem in the slightest way concerned about the chaos that was happening. It was a normal thing in Tijuana. It was simply best for one to mind his or her business without getting dragged into the quarrel.

There was equality in the love and fear the people of Tijuana had for JJ. Nobody dared to cross him. Most people never come out alive.

Aaron's eyes rounded when he realised that the initial plan they executed was working. He decided to stop fighting and let the men beat him up. Adam though was throwing his fists here and there without even realising what was happening. Aaron gave him a light kick on the leg to capture his attention, before mouthing "Stop fighting. It worked."

Intrepid HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora