13: First Day

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Zira adjusted her shades as she stared back at the rearview mirror in the driver's seat. A small hiss escaped her lips when she acknowledged the oil stain at the edge of her pinkish red lips. She used the tip of her tongue to wipe it off.

Today was supposedly her first day at work. After taking sometime to digest everything, she realized that her new job is going to be more stressful than she had presumed. Thanks to the stunt Zayn pulled the other day, Mahmud had now made her his personal chauffeur. And by the looks of it he doesn't seem like someone who goes to one or two places a day.

On the other hand there's Sarah and Amani. She was still going to be their temporary chauffeur and also their bodyguard. According to what Medina had explained to her, she was only going to guard them when the two are together out in the public which made things easier for her of course. But other places like work when they aren't together, they'll be guarded by other people.

The family is weird as shit.

"You're early today." Sarah said as she made herself comfortable on the passenger's seat.

Zira looked straight ahead without sparing the said girl the slightest glance. "I'm always early."

"Whatever. The rest will be out in a few." She returned back to dolling up her face which was extremely uncomfortable. She had already baked up her face from all angles and edges, what else is she doing. It was more like abusing Rare beauty cosmetics, Zira silently thought.

The brother and sister duo sauntered out of the main entrance as they approached the car. Amani held her basketball and a tote bag while Zayn was on a call. He held the door open for his sister to get in before entering.

"Morning, Zira!" Amani grinned widely. The girl loved people a lot and had a way of getting everyone to love her back. Because why else was Zira responding to the smile she threw her way? It was unlike her to smile randomly—-unless it was her sadistic smile that is.

She likes Amani's energy and that's undeniable. But she wasn't letting it be too obvious.

"Hello." Zira gave her a lopsided smile before returning her lips back to their initial position.

"How was your night?" Amani asked genuinely. That question sounded a bit off because the last time someone asked her that was when her family was still alive. An unknown smile made it way across her lips, so there are still kind people in this world other than Mabel.

She likes Amani.

That's a first. "F-fine. It was fine." She almost forgot how to respond to that.

"Since when did we start inquiring about our chauffeur's night?" Sarah rolled her eyes as she scrolled down the feeds of her instagram.

Amani shrugged, "I always do. You're just discourteous and impertinent."

Sarah's eyes shot up and tilted her head back at her cousin. "How dare—-"

Zira instantly cleared her throat because if she heard one more sickening phrase from Sarah, she'll most likely throw her off at the edge of a cliff. "—Where are we heading first?"

"Amir's Group of Enterprise, then Los Angeles county museum of Arts, then wherever Ayaan decides to head to afterwards." Amani replied.

"I beg your pardon, but doesn't he also work at the Amir's Group of Enterprise?" She had to ask because it had been irking her since yesterday when she was carrying her thorough research on their family.

Sarah is the Accountant Superintendent of the company, Muktar is the Vice President alongside his cousin Ayaan who is also the Vice President, though Ayaan specializes in the software aspect of the company. Adam is the President, Medina the COO while Mahmud is the CEO.

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