31:Zira's diamond jubilee 1

93 15 8

15TH JUNE, 2022.


After thirty long minutes, she finally changed into another outfit. It was a black sleeveless high neck top with a pair of black straight pants, she wore an oversized white button down shirt over it. On her feet was a white pair of Nikes that was gifted to her by Mabel.

She stared at her reflection on her full length mirror, contemplating on whether to ditch the white button down shirt for her black leather or jean jacket. The warm and dry weather was the least of her concern.

She had given her hair another trim as it had surpassed it usual armpit length and was reaching her mid spine. Zira tucked it into a messy bun, not knowing where she had kept her hair gel.

"It's been thirty minutes already, are you done?" Zayn asked impatiently from outside the room.

Zira was slightly startled by his voice, she had totally forgotten that there was someone other than her in the apartment. She rolled her eyes before shouting back, "No, I'm not." His assertiveness sometimes pissed her off.

Times like these.

Why won't he just let her be!?

"Well too bad, I'm coming in!" Before she was opportune to retort back, the door came swinging open as he sauntered into the room, his hands dipped into his pockets.

"Normal people knock before stepping into a girl's room." She crossed her arms around her chest, glowering at him.

Unfazed by whatever expression she had, he furthered into the room. "You look..good." The compliment dropped in, as he gave her a once over while she clenched her jaw and bit the inner part of her mouth to ease the jitteriness.

"It's just a white button down." She stated, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. The only difference between what she usually wears and what she currently had on was the absence of her black boots and jacket, or sometimes blazer.

He sighed, dropping on her bed causally. "That white means a lot. You have no idea how human you look without your boots and jacket."

"I'm this close to ditching this!" She referred to the white shirt, deepening her death glare.

He rose up to his feet, standing next to her before he twirled her around to face the full length mirror, towering behind her. "Don't. You would look better if you had more colour on and if you would agree to put your hair down."

Her breathing was hitching, due to how she felt his breath hitting the skin on her neck. Times like these was when she wished her hair was put down so as not to feel a thing. How unfortunate.

"Dream on, Casanova." She formed a slight smirk with her lips, placing her hands on each sides of her hip, displaying more of her confidence.

This girl is truly something else!

Zayn amusingly thought.

He chuckled at the name in which she referred to him as before running a hand down his hair. "Ex Casanova, Miss Sa'eed." And he wished he was being truthful. In a way, he was. He barely goes to parties, hang out with different girls and the last time he took a drop of liquor was a year ago. Yes, he admits that the title fitted him well but then again, he was putting in a lot of effort just to be a better person.

Be it for his mother, sister, or even Zira. He was willingly to drop all those acts of his and mould himself into better version of Zayn Ayaan Fareed. Now that he's reflecting back on how often he was always with different girls, he realised that it lacked variety and was somewhat tedious.

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