20: GBL

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Music blared from all angles of the mansion as men and ladies—half naked—strutted in and out of the place. As they make through the entrance, they are greeted with beer which they all declined, except Sarah and Mukhtar. Just a glance at the place and it was a good definition of a typical American high school party. Though, the people present were all over the age of twenty one.

Different set of couples making out in different sections of the place, a group of people cheering on two guys that seemed like they were having a beer drinking competition, boys and girls hooking up while heading upstairs where of course the unholy act is performed on the beds of the bedrooms, loud noise produced by the individuals who were on the dance floor which could most likely draw the attention of quiet neighbours and the police, smoking, a group of friends sprawled on the couch conversing, some playing truth or dare, the use of different sort of drugs by the party animals such as weed and marijuana.

So this was what a high school party looked like, Zira silently thought as she strolled further inside as she ensured that she had a good view of the two girls. She had never attended one of those back in her high school days but one thing for sure, she has read books about them. Reading books on wattpad was the only girly thing she has ever partaken in. Having a good view of the environment, it was like life experience of all those teen fictions she has read.

By the looks of how casual Mukhtar, Sarah and Amani are, it shows that it wasn't an unusual thing for them. Zayn however, he shouldn't even be put in the picture because with his way of speech and actions, she knew he was a party animal back in his days. He may still be one. He still gives off that bad boy player kind of vibes, so her assumptions were darn to be right.

Amani was over with her female friends and it seemed like they were having lots of fun, though they were about three guys whom later joined them. The girls didn't seem to have an issue with that. Most of them were drinking. Zira silently hoped she wouldn't take even a sip of alcohol. She might not be the perfect Muslim but one thing she makes sure to abstain from is drugs and alcohol.

Sarah was with a group of guys along with three other half naked girls, seated snugly on the lap of a brunette muscular guy who had his hands wrapped around her waist as he used the other hand to rub her thighs. The next thing that happened was quite disturbing to the eyes. Sarah and the guy were now in a heated make out session that needed to be taken elsewhere due to how heated it had become. Zira quickly scrunched her nose in irritation, averting her gaze elsewhere and hoped she wouldn't have to see that ever again. The girl had no ounce of decency in anything she does, only Allah knows if she had ever welcomed someone between her legs.


Mukhtar on the other hand was now partaking in the drinking competition and successfully won. He was far gone by the time he was done because the next thing was him jumping out of the window and landing flat on the carpet grass. Zira hoped he was now unconscious or even dead. She couldn't care less.

"Don't touch me..I don't drink..I know..fuck off...out of my way.." were the phrases repeatedly used by her because she was going to throw a punch at someone sooner or later. Why were guys all over her all the freaking time!? It pissed her off most of the times because she hates it. She hates being called all sorts of names that other girls would giggle at. It's more annoying because out of most of the female individuals of the party, she was one of the few that weren't showing much of their skin.

Yes, even with the white bustier top she was bullied into wearing. No hint of makeup was on her face nor anything that could bring attention, then why the heck were people all over her. Even girls.


Contemplating on whether to get a something to cure the patchiness in her throat, she gave in. She walked passed a half drunk Sarah that was dancing like an insane person with her boobs almost spilling out of the corset top that barely covered anything. It's quite sad that her brother was present yet he didn't care in the slightest about what his sister does.

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