37: Despondency

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Zira had dropped off Sarah at their residence and returned back to the office, as she hasn't concluded her work for the day. That's what she get for letting Zayn stay in the same space as her for hours. He was the biggest distraction ever and dealing with him was another tedious task on it own.

Unfortunately, Romeo had still not returned the call and the time was almost nine at night. Almost everyone in the office had gone back to their respective homes. The floor Zira, Adam, Sarah, Zayn and Muktar were, was completely vacant. She was the only person left on the floor and she loved it.

She has never been a fan of large crowds and hearing people speak, so she was elated as she strolled down the hallway hearing no sound at all. She didn't bother informing Zara that she'll be home late because she was sleeping over at their Uncle's place.
Zira had no issue with that, as long as her sister is satisfied. That's all that truly matters.

Like greased lightning, a bolt from the blue, large soft hands wrapped itself around her petite waist pinning her against the wall, not too harshly and not too gently also. His patchouli and sandalwood scent sent her to another dimension. Zira's whole body burned like fire at his touch. His hands were firmly placed on her waist, her jacket had no business there whatsoever.

Lifting her eyelids up, she was met with a set of beautiful dark hazel eyes that were slowly melting her. Her chest puffed back and up repeatedly, trying to calm her system down. "Hey," he said in an awfully deep yet captivating voice.

Their faces were few inches away from surviving. His face was ducked down while the upthrust move he did while his hands were on her waist did the job of making their faces to almost collide. "Z-zayn," she let out, almost in a whisper as her heart continued slamming itself against her rib cage.

She shut her eyes instantly, staring down at their chests which was almost colliding. "Open your eyes, Zee." She never thought that name could ever sound so good coming out from his mouth.

Her hands were on his chest while her eyes refused to follow his words. "No," she responded, chewing on her bottom lips like they were chicken.

As if her vanilla scent and beautiful face weren't enough to send him over the edge, she had to look adorable while in this nervous state. If she was to see herself, then he's certain she would murder him right there and then. So vulnerable. And so bewitching..

"Why not?" He stroked her chin with his finger, discarding the hair that was obstructing his perfect view of her face. "Y-you'll fall. D-don't look in-into my e-eyes," her tone, had once again betrayed her.

She wanted to pull away, she wanted to slap him, she wanted to shoot him for being this close to her. But she couldn't bring herself to do either of those. Her brain might be in denial of her true feelings but her heart couldn't.

Zayn lifted her head by lifting her chin up, causing her to flicker open her eyes. Their faces were an inch from colliding, "I think I've already fallen, Zee." Their lips were so close, their hearts raced as their breathing intertwined, their eyes searched for answers silently wishing the lingering gap between them could be filled. Just as their lips were about to clash, someone harshly pulls Zayn away from her.

It was a saddening interruption, a cruel one that shattered the beautiful moment the two were about to embrace. "Get your hands off of her, you imbecile!" Aryan fumed with rage, as he pushed Zayn farther away from Zira.

Shock had overtook her, causing her to hit her back against a door as she came falling down on her knees. She was left perplexed, her eyes filled with lost, confusion and pain, as she witness her chance at loving physical contact being stolen away from her.

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