7: Animosity

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4TH JANUARY, 2022.

"You were set on assassinating my mother then tried escaping, didn't you?" Aryan used the steel stick to hit one of assassins hard on the back. If you think Zira is brutal, she's nowhere compared to Aryan. Not when his mother or a loved one is involved.

The man let out a heart piercing scream but his screams were pointless. The cell was soundproof and even if it wasn't, no one would come to their aid.

"I believed I asked a fucking question?" He belted as his veins popped out from his neck. He roughly pushed back the hair that obstructed his clear view upfront. The other man who had received his own share of beating by Zira's men, Ruthless and Stoney, remained silent by the other angle hoping he would be left untouched.

He should've thought of that before playing such a sick trick. "I-I swear w-we didn't know your mother was the wife of Mr Arman Sanusi. W-we promise sir, we had no idea." He coughed out blood as tears streamed down.

"Even so, why did you attempt to go after her?" Aryan's dark blue orbs suddenly morphed into the darkest form of black.

"O-our boss instructed us to do so."

"Who is your boss and what does he do?" Zira came forth this time around as she glared at the two bleeding specimens. Her hands were itching to shoot them all dead but she maintained her cool knowing Aryan wouldn't like that.

"He's a random commoner. A mere leader of our gang down town. She occasionally visits a jewellery store around our area and purchases a lot of golds and diamonds jewelleries. Our intention on that day was to steal what she had bought but seeing as she was alone, he suggested to just kill her right there, then steal her possessions."

"Please spare us! We r-regret our act-ions." The silent one decided to break the silence.

Aryan smiled cynically before letting out a sadistic chuckle. "What's the full name of your leader?"

"Davis Reynolds Chopper." He immediately replied.

Aryan communicated with Zira with his eyes while she responded with a simple nod. She opened his backpack and brought out his MacBook. Without wasting a nanosecond, she unlocked it then looked their leader up on the net, tracing to when he was born to his current state and location.

She was that good with tracking and coding. She did all that in no less than five minutes. Once she was done with her analysis, her calm expression was replaced with a hard one. "You guys really think we're here to joke, huh?"

The two men stared at each other in fear before quickly looking away.

Shit was about to get real.

"What did you find?" Aryan inquired stoically.

"Davis Reynolds Chopper doesn't even reside in the states but Asia. These two were once his classmates back in high school and bullied the guy till he had no other choice but to leave the country. Apparently, these two are the leader of their amateur gang which has been in existence since their high school days." A muscle in her jaw twitched as she strode next to Aryan whom was seated with little patience left in the air.

Aryan burst out into humourless fits of laughter. "Lies, lies, lies and lies. You know that's one thing I just can't tolerate. Being lied to without feeling any form of guilt."


Aryan cut them off. "—-list of offences!?" He snapped sharply.

"Attempted theft and assassination, attempted to escape from the cell, tried to pin the blame on innocent person, and untruthfulness." She listed them out casually before removing her pistol from her back pocket, cocking it.

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