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☆ Lily ☆

My first day :

My alarm goes off and I wake in a good mood. It is finally my first day at my dream college. I wake up and my dorm mate is still sleeping, so I let her be because we are not at all on good terms. She is really a party person and I do like party but for mood change not everyday thing at all. She came late on the first night already, so yeah let her sleep.

Anyways, I go to the shower room with my toiletries and I already don't like the idea of this co-ed bathroom. But I guess I have to get used to it. I get fresh and wear my favorite beige green cardigan and a plain white shirt underneath and a blue bell bottom. I style my hair in lose sleek ponytail and then head to the room and till then Marine is awake, the party girl, and I don't even glance but just smile when she sees me.

I pack my stuff in backpack and I leave for the college. It is a five minute walk to there but I do enjoy that peaceful walk as I am early to go there. I know that people are always late to colleges, I don't even know why? But I hope there is someone like me because that is the only chance for me making friends.

As I enter, I check my lecture and find my class and go there to settle. And I do find one person that is as early as me, so I go near him and sit in the chair near him.
'Hey, I am lily,
Hey, I am Daniel
So, first day, right? Why so early?
Well because I am an early bird and morning person. I like being on time for things.
And what about you?
Well I have the same reason and I like the people who are like that too. So maybe we can be friends?'

He doesn't respond to that but he just nods and focuses on his book. I then notice his features, he had clean chislede face and his nose was not long but average and not broad. He had worn a hoodie and his fingers were long and his hands were veiny. Alright, let's not go there but he is really handsome and his accent was really thick. He has a little british accent and his eyes are grayish blue.

Just then the teacher arrives and introduces himself as 'Professor Alex' and he moves directly to the studies. We are told to make a hand sculpture and need to find a model and submit it on next week and we all start finding a model. I asked Daniel, of course,
'Hey, Daniel, will you be my model? I really like your hands, no offense.
Well I guess, but you have to be mine, then. I also like those cute hands, haha.'

We both share a laugh. I put the apron on so I don't get my favorite cardigan ruined and then I ask him to slide his sleeve up till his elbow for a good look. He does exactly that and looks simply hot doing that. Ok, I need to stop going in that direction, and focus on my sculpture for my gardes.

I draw his hand and his hands are also veiny and has very clean hands means no hairs and white washed. It looks too good to be true.
'Where are you from? If I may ask.
Well I am from South Korea but I am grown in England because of some reason. And here to study fine arts.'

'I see, I did notice your accent is british but well you confirmed it. And can you please stop stealing my heart already?
Umm what? I mean really, did I steal a beautiful girl's attention? I am honoured. But I will try not to do further damges. Now shall we', pointing towards his hands and clay. I grin but nod and continue to draw and he just stares.

I am finally done and it is his turn to draw and I slide my sleeve till the elbow and I see how skinny it is. But he does not comment anything. 'So where are you from, Lily.
I am from Seattle. Born and brought up. This is my dream college actually, so I came here. I know it is way too far but just a day away. I really wanted to be here.'

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