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☆ Philip ☆

I am here, waiting for my flight to London, England. I was in the boarding area and resting there after the security check. The flight is in two hours. I check my campus and all the details so I don't get lost in there, it is actually a massive place and the campus has all the subjects and sports major too. There are different campus for a particular stream.

The campus is too big and it is literally a dream come true. I think I will love it there but without the ones I know. I can make new friends, but I already have, Andy and Noah. I hope I meet them there. Now the announcement goes for the flight and I grab my hand bag and walk to the entrance of the flight tube. The queue was not so long and my turn came quick.

I board my flight and sit on the seat and then the safety instructions are given and then I tie the seatbelt and the flight takes off and it is going on smoothly, having now nine hours for myself. At first, I sleep for two hours and the air hostess comes by waking me and giving me a blanket. I cover my body and it is so warm and then I order some food and drink and then enjoy two movies.

All time favourite, Titanic and parasite. It is too good, one is romance and the other is a thriller. I watch the whole movie in too much comfort that when the announcement for landing arrives, it annoyed me but then remembered what was I here for. I shut the devices and then do as instructed, then after few minutes, we are landed in England. Finally!!

I get down in line and then see the bags transferring from the plane to a truck used in there. We all go for the bus and reach the entrance of the gate and get inside waiting for the luggage to get inside so we can get it. We were at least sitting for like half an hour.

But then it was announced that we can start to get out our bags. I stand at less crowded area, the end of loop. Then my luggage is spotted by me in few minutes. I grab the bag and head to the end of the airport and finally out in England. The air is so cool and it is evening there. The jet lag will take some time.

The time is almost six hour ahead. I book a cab and get to my dorm. Next day I will go to the dean and then start the mission.


Next day :

I wake up alone as I haven't gotten any partner yet. I go the bathroom and then get fresh and head for the dean office with a jeans and shirt, rings and a watch. As I reach the office, I knock and enter on his command. It is seven thirty in the morning.
'Hello, sir.

Hello, dear. Who are you? A new addmission?

Yes, sir. I cam here to talk about that only. I am here as an exchange student for fine arts department. First year.

Ok, then what is your name dear?

My name is Philip Anderson.

Ok, then you can start the classes from tomorrow as the school has an holiday.

Oh, may I ask for what?

Yes, why not. It is that we had given a week off so the students who still wanted to come can at least get adjusted and complete some assignments together. You can directly start from tomorrow and don't worry, this term exam, we will ask you to make extra piece of your sculpture and then add the marks.

Thank you sir. See you from tomorrow.

Sure. Bye dear.'

I leave from the office and decide to see the campus in reference so I don't get lost and don't have the need to ask anyone. As there is leave, the college is peaceful. So I have plenty of time to explore, I stop to every class and the class name is written there. The subjects which are studied there.

Although tomorrow the classes will be given through forum. The whole college is cool and I don't think I can see it wholly yet. I have three years here, I am sure I can find my own place for my peace and ranting.

When I was walking through the classes, I got a message from Danny.



So, where did you go?

Well, I can't tell you because I know you will tell Lily and it would take her life not to come here to me.

No, that is her decision to make. She has to decide what to do when she knows where you are.

That is true, like testing each other. But a part of me wants her to be here, a bigger one but there is a voice telling that if she arrives here, I will go back to as I was.

I understand you. But let her decide for herself. Right?

Right. So well, I am here in England.

Woah! You are across the seas. I appreciate you taking risk.

Thank you. But do tell me her answer. What her reaction is.

Sure. But I have to go right now. Talk to you soon Phily.

Sure. Bye Danny.'

Then I check time which indicates that it is 1:20 and my stomach grumbles. I go to nearby restaurant and have my first meal of England. It is delish, the service is good too. I come up with an idea. I can do a part-time job here only, it is near my college and my place too.

I will apply right away. I get my food in my tummy and all full. I wash my hands and then go to manager.
'Hello, ma'am.

Yes, sir.

Oh, no don't call me sir.


I am here to ask if you are still hiring for part time.

Oh, we are in a need for part time because the permanent one are having some personal issues. They take much leaves and I have to give them necessarily.

Sure. I am really in need.

Ok, we will have a interview tomorrow if you are able to.

Sure. Tomorrow, this time?

Ok. See you tomorrow, but don't forget to get a resumé.

Ok. Thank you ma'am

My pleasure. '


A/n : Hello guys! Back with next chapter. Hope you have a good reading.

Thank you for reading ~~~


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