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☆ Philip ☆

Next morning :

When I wake up, I feel a small hand over my chest and it was clutching onto me. At first I thought it was a dream of me and Lily sleeping together. But when I came to the reality by a voice, I saw Victoria near me all cuddled up to my body. The hell, when did this happen?
' *loudly* The fuck? What are you doing?

*not budging* What? You only asked me to sleep with you yesterday... Don't you remember? *light smirk*

Oh, don't play with me. I know I would never do that even in dreams.

Oh, really? I have a video.

Really? Then show me. *confident*

I-I will show it to you tomorrow. *smile falls*

Hm. I knew it. Just get the hell away from my body and away from me.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever!!! *fuming in anger and alight embarrassed*

Better luck next time. *chuckling* '

She walks off with a cat walk, purposely showing her ass, which I have no interest in. She is such a bitch, a obsessed fan. I know I am irresistable and she can't handle me but this is crazy. She does not know her limits. I need to show her what I can do to stop her at all costs and get her out of my room.

I get up from the bed and move to the bathroom and see a less clothed Victoria and she has a innocent smile on as if she is doing nothing. I ignore her and take my toothbrush and start the day, and finally after some troublemaking was over, I get out of my dorm and get to the class with my coffee. I have found a café near the college. It has fresh coffee and it tastes so good, one good thing here for me.

I reach my class and realise that I was early because the class had just started to get full and I am glad. I finish my coffee by the time professor enters. It was History class, it was interesting as usual and the topic was really something to know about. We continued with the class and then finally it was over. It was still not lunch break, I wanted to eat now. I am really hungry, but have to get through an hour still.

It was sculpture class so it was bearable to hold the hunger. I made a really time taking scuplture part so I could focus on that rather than my stomach rats. As I was so focused, time went by and finally it was lunch break but I couldn't budge. I was prone to hunger now as I was in the art. It was nice to have passion for the things I love.

I left to have lunch and saw Andy there. He saved me a seat, I got my plate and went there.
' Hey there!

Hello Andy.

You were so focused in your art so I left you to be.

Thank you. I really was into it.

I knew by the look on your face while making it.

How was it?

It was as if you were already visualising the scene and you were ready to make it real.

That is true. I already knew what to do when the professor gave us the task.

Great. I was stuck but now I have it all figured.

I am glad. If you get stuck anywhere, please ask for help. I will gladly.

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