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☆ Lily ☆

I have the results in my hand and just as I was going to open it but I see Daniel's face, his eyes were shut. Maybe he is more nervous than me. I finally open the report with my one eye close, the writing in there says that I am perfectly fine, my reproductive system works well but there I one problem, if it happens, I may not be able to have proper delivery and may suffer from complications.Oh, no. That is not good.

'Daniel, this is not good.

Why? What is written.

Open your eyes to read it yourself.

Oh, yeah. *taking the file*
Shit! It means you should consider getting pregnant. It might be a rash decision.

Yeah, but it was not really dream to become a mother. I wanted to be foster parent. I don't know but it just made me uncomfortable that people were all alone in orphanage.

It is really a good work, indeed but what might be Philip's opinion on this?

I don't know but he may agree or not. The worse he can say is break up with me.

Oh, come on, he went too far to prove himself worthy. You think he will break up.

I am saying of possible options. He can have different opinions on this and it is totally fine because he went there for me not to get a baby.

Don't say bull things!

Shhh!! Ok, ok. Don't shout. It is a hospital.

Yeah, sorry. Got carried away.

No problem. Let's move to the car.

Yeah, let me call a taxi. '

He books a cab and we ride it to the dorm, we have a silent ride other than exchanging glances at each other and reassuring each other by squeezing each other's hand. It does give me some relief.

We reach the dorm and I move out of car and cold breeze hits me like cold reality, it does hurt me that I can't conceive and even if I can, it will leave Philip with a very dangerous choice, I don't want to put him in that choice at all, never ever because I will not rest in peace even if he chooses me over the baby.

I hear Daniel saying something and makes me come out of my trance.
'Come, again.

What!? You didn't hear what I was saying for half an hour.

Sorry, I was in deep thought. Really sorry.

No problem, I was just lecturing you that you should not at all think that Philip will break up with you as he has gone away to prove himself. Support him in all ways even when you are not near him.

Yeah, you are right. I have to support him, he has gone there for me.

Yes. That is the spirit.

Thank you but I was thinking something very important, should I tell you?

I am all ears.

*deep breath* So I was thinking that even after telling Philip, I get pregnant, we manage the nine months but what if at the time of delivery, I face complications and he has to choose between the two, whom should he choose?

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