Twenty Six

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☆ Philip ☆

When we met, it was really exhilarating to meet my Lily, and have her in my arms and sniffing her scent, rose and chocolate, playing with her silky yet rough hair. She is not perfect, but whatever she is, is mine and I love her for that. There, I admitted it, I have stopped myself for admission these all years but now that I would finally be able to have her, I can't stop myself now.

We were at the classes, I was helping Lily as she had been in the Christmas program, and Daniel was there too. I was sitting for a few minutes but then came a boy, senior student, he went near Lily and spoke something and she surprisingly said yes and he got excited and went joyfully out of that class. What the hell? What just happened?

'Lily, what was that? And what did he ask?

Oh! You scared me. And him, he is our senior and club president of the literature club. *mischievous*

So, what did he say that made him excited about your answer? *eyeing the exit*

Well, he asked me if him and I could go to the nearby library and pick some old books with good tough grammar and then we would study together for the club. *teasing tone*

So, you said yes?

Of course *obvious*

But, but you and him together alone?

Why, are you jealous? *smirking*

No, no way! Why would I be? I am a very open minded person. *failed the attempt to be neutral*

*chuckles* Are you sure, Phily?

Oh, shut up, Danny.

No, seriously. Why don't you join them? I heard from a little birdie that you like to read literature and have a surprise for your Sun.

Huh? Are you serious, Danny bear?

100% serious. No joke.

So, where is my surprise?

Oh-oh, I will give it to you on Christmas as the next day I would be leaving. *rubbing his temples*

Oh. I am excited. *giddy*

But I don't know if you will like it or not.

Let me decide that.

Sure, sire.

Let us go then, we need to go there in fifteen.

Let us roger that. '

Then we went down the street and the library was looking like an antique place, 18th century but the vibes were very classy. I really loved it and the interior was amazing. The old picture of Demi gods and the brown walls, lushed and shiny. It was breathtaking and the scent of books was flowing through the entire room. It was a treasure for bookworms. The dim lights and the designer pillar made this place a romantic one.

I would definitely love to spend my time here whenever I can after I come back here

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I would definitely love to spend my time here whenever I can after I come back here. As we moved further, I saw that the senior was waiting on a settled table. We strided along the carpet and reached towards him, and saw the shelves behind him. They were HUGE huge and the book covers distracted me from the conversation of Lily and that senior.

I settled down and he eyed me, and then we had our introduction.

'Hello, I am Mike. I am senior of Lily and the club president of the Literature club.

Hello, Mike. Myself Philip, boyfriend of Lily and I am studying at England University of Arts.

Oh, great. But if you study there then how did you meet?

Well, I am not original of England, I am American, New York, since birth.

Oh. Hmm.. Great. Are you here to help? *changing the topic uninterested*

Of, course. Tell me and I will try to help. *genuinely*

Sure, just be seated for awhile, me and Lily will be back after collecting some books.

Sure, till then, can I just take a look around?

Sure. Go your way, we will call if we get back soon.

Thanks Mike. '

They went into the shelves and I went to stride along the other side and touched  the books and felt mesmerised. It was amazing how the authors had so many things to say and make the reader feel it without actually being in the situation. I appreciate the writers and their team to put efforts in the work and the words to make it exciting, saddening, anger, hateful, guilty.

As I was feeling the things, I felt a vibration in pocket and checked that Lily messaged that they have gotten the books and is calling me there. I went there and they were already into the book. I joined in and asked few things.

'So, what are we looking for?

Something tragic and romantic.

Oh, like Romeo and Juliet? My sun?

Exactly, but with twist and turns.

Ok, got it. And any specific author or just anything I like?

Anything you like. And we don't have any specific author in mind.

Sure, cool. '


A/n : Sorry guys, I will definitely update tomorrow as a apology. And Happy Jin day.....

Thank you for reading ~~~


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