Twenty Seven

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☆ Lily / Philip ☆


After Philip joined us in the reading, I lost the time and then it just ticked me that what time is it. We reached at library at 5:23 but now it is clocking 7:59. Wow!

'Guys! Look at the time! We have really lost the track.

Yes, Lily *looking at cell phone*

Woah! Really, My Sun, but it is because the books are interesting. I have two books which are worth your topic with tough grammar and it is not that tough that you would need hours to solve the mystery.

Ok, great then let us go on with that. Thank you Philip.

Oh, no problem Mike. But let me take one book with me and Lily and I will read that and you can read the other one.

Sure, then I will take this one *showing the book*

Ok, done. When is the next schedule?

This Friday. After Christmas.

Oh, then I won't be there, because I leave that day only.

Oh, no worries. But thanks for helping us.

Of course. Then let us take our leave. Bye.

Bye, Mike! See you on Friday.

Bye both of you *smiles* '

We went out of the library and I messaged Daniel that we were going to the café and he was already there so I told him if he could order for us. He agreed and we reached there in a few minutes. It felt like old time but a little different as the time was nowhere near the old time. We had many things going on and a lot on our plate.

We settled down and Daniel had already ordered for us.

' How did you know that we were going to be here at this time?

Oh, Lily told me when you left the library.

Oh!! Smart girl! My girl!

Oh, shut up, Phily. Too cheesey and I would not be able to digest so much sweetness in one go.

Oh, poor single soul.

Don't do that Philip, please. *plea*

Why? Can't handle a little droll? *chuckles innocently*

Well, he was in a relationship for a month before you came. * ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯*

What? Him? In a relationship? What happened that it ended.

Well, it is a long story and I think it is not for me to tell. You should hear it from Daniel.

Daniel, whenever you are ready to tell me, I will gladly listen.

Thank you, buddy.

Welcome, anytime. '

They had a conversation and our food came and we had an absolutely good time. The mood was a little drowning as we had the moment of remembering the conversation we had in silence. But then I decided to break the silence
' Guys, is anyone up for any dessert?

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